Swan street and us (1)(Jimin) CHEATING!AU

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      Early spring days were what most beautiful days of the year if you asked Y/N. It was suddenly her favorite time of the year as she was sitting in the passenger seat while Matthew kept telling her about Swan Street and how beautiful the name of their new home was.

      The neighborhood itself did the name no justice in her humble opinion, but when Matt's hand reached over to hold her own, something close to a light switch clicked in her mind and suddenly she was looking at the world with rose colored glasses and their fresh start together seemed like a dream come true.

      The fairy tale was cut short later when they rushed out of their new apartment complex only to see all of their stuff thrown right in front of the stairs to the small building, their landlord raising a storm about the mess. They immediately started stacking boxes on top of each other, Matthew being able to carry the TV and a bunch of other devices while swearing under his breath.

      "Remind me, why did we pick these lazy bastards to move our stuff?" he winced his knees cracking slightly as he lifted the weight.

      Y/N stepped over to him leaving a kiss on the back of his neck lovingly.

      "Because we're broke college students that need to survive on savings till we find jobs and they were cheap."

      None the less Matt groaned and started climbing up to the second floor.

      Turning around Y/N was met by a pair of curious eyes looking at her then at the boxes at the bottom of the stairs. The man was holding a briefcase and wearing a perfectly tailored suit that fit his shoulders amazingly.

      He seemed a tiny bit older than her, but none the less very handsome despite the exhausted aura he had circling around him if the eye bags were anything to go by. His eyes on their own just seemed lifeless.

      "Oh, hi!" she rushed to gather up some boxes that were blocking his path.

     "There you go...I'm moving in here, I guess you're my neighbor." she smiled brightly and the man found himself swooning at her crinkled eye smile.

     "I'm Jimin. Do you need some help maybe?"

     "Nah, my boyfriends got it." Y/N said just as Matt made his way out of the building. She turned to rush up the stairs with the boxes.

      "Let's hurry up Matty, we're bothering the neighbor." she hurried, leaving the two guys behind.

      The moment she was back down she was met by Jimin and Matt carrying their mattress up the stairs.

      "Matt we could have carried it. Why bug him?"

     "Well not to be rude to the dude, but what else are neighbors for?"

      They started to bicker on the first floor when the only other apartment door opened and out came a blonde girl and looked straight at Jimin.

      She opened her mouth to say something, but as if he read her mind Jimin beat her to it.

     "I'll be right in, just helping the neighbors." she nodded curtly and went back in without saying a word.

     "Sora. My wife." he said with a bit of humor in his voice, to break the tension his seemingly cranky wife left behind.

      Y/N skipped down the stairs noticing that Jimin was no longer wearing his jacket nor carrying his suitcase.

      She was back up in a second and passed the stuff to Jimin when she stumbled into him.

      "Thank for the help man. Do you wanna come upstairs and have a beer or glass of water since that's all we got to offer at the moment." Matt spoke while pulling Y/N into his side lovingly.

       "Nah...I'm tired, work was a bitch today." Jimins eyes lingered on the couple, something close to longing blooming in his chest.

      "Hey." he left a quick kiss on Sora's cheek while she tapped away on her laptop. Only thing he got in return was a hum, not even taking her attention off of her work. He was used to it at this point, she's like that, so he doesn't bother her and goes to the bathroom.

      He stepped inside the shower feeling a little better than he usually would after work on a ugly Monday. He blames it on the neighbors, those two are spreading some positive energy around them just by breathing, or so it seems.

      That night he couldn't even help but laugh out loud when Sora kept complaining and whining about those damn kids fucking at 02:30 AM when she had work the next morning.

      'Maybe you wouldn't be so pissed if we were doing the same thing for once.' every cell in his body was screaming for him to say it, but he knew that would probably end up with him sleeping on the couch and his back just can't take that tonight.

      Sora and him have been by each others side since preschool when they were the best of friends, never actually dated even when their friends pressured them into it in high school, it just felt weird.

      Then college came around and they ended up sharing an apartment together as friend and as years passed Jimin found himself piled into a shit ton of exams, papers and deadlines, barely having time to eat.

      Back then the cup of ramen waiting for him or a cup of tea at 4 AM when Sora would stay up with him meant a lot. It was the closes thing that he associated with love.

      At that point Sora seemed like the best thing that happened to him so they started a relationship that soon got serious and before he knew it he was tied down by much more than a ring on his finger.

      The ring was merely a formality with Sora, but the actual ropes that were holding him down in a marriage that lacked love now was the fact that Sora's father was the one who made sure that Jimin got a good share of his company once he married his daughter.

      He started to love this girl because he was feeling lonely, it's ironic that it's the same reason he would run away from her now.

      Later that night when Sora was finally sleeping Jimin crawled out of the sheets still unable to keep his eyes shut.

      He stepped out into the cold night, the leftover winter wind biting at his bare skin. He leaned onto the railing and stared down the street.

      Soon after he could hear the sound of the balcony door opening, but it wasn't his own, it was the apartment above him, the new neighbors.

      The sound of a lighter sparking filled the silence and the smell of smoke spread through the fresh air.

      The few minutes of silence that followed felt like he was sharing this tranquil night with someone. A quiet companion or maybe a equally melancholic friend.

      His dreams were cut short by the door opening once more and Matthews voice rang on the balcony softly even with a light rasp to it.

      "Hey beautiful." faint steps tapped on the floor and Jimin could feel them right above him, "Come inside, you're shivering."

      "Just hold me and I'll warm up." Y/N whispered and just like that it downed upon Jimin.

      Nobody was keeping him company, there is no such thing as a quiet companion for him and the truth is, he never felt more alone than now.

      He quietly slipped back into his bedroom and went to bed no longer wanting to be an unknown third party, nor a creep.

   So haven't updated in a while so I wanted to post this one story I wrote a while ago in parts (even tho its shit with an unsatisfying end, but it took me a while to write and I just need to put it out there cuz I'd feel like shit if I wasted time on it).

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