Straight Outta Quarantine

Start from the beginning

"Why don't you do something, Y/N," your mom told you, pushing her hair behind her ear as she put her pen back to her work papers.

"Like what?" You asked, sitting back up and sighing.

"How about you distract yourself. Go cook or something?" She prompted and you smiled weakly. You hadn't had lunch yet, and you figured you had nothing better to do, so you stood up and made your way to the kitchen.

Narrowing your eyes as you scanned through the cabinets and refrigerator, trying to decide on something to make, you ignored the urge to just make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the three of you.

It took you a good seven minutes to make a decision, but you did. You had a pot on the stove full of water to boil, and you were currently starting an alfredo sauce in a separate pot. You had seasoned chicken and put it into the preheated oven ten minutes prior. You knew this was more of a dinner meal, but you couldn't care less because it was what you wanted to eat.

As you were adding milk, stirring with a whisk to dissolve the small clumps of flour and butter that were left, you heard your phone ring. Looking over to where it was on the counter, you saw it was a video call from Peter and you had to stop yourself from jumping from excitement and happiness.

Quickly reaching over to accept the call with one hand, you kept stirring with the other.

"Hello sweetheart," you heard his voice greet you the second he saw the call connect. You smiled confusedly when you saw his face. His eyes were crinkled from smiling, but that was the one of the only clues that gave his expression away, the grey mask across his mouth shielding the smile you loved to see so much.

"Hey babe." You answered. "You're outside?" You asked the obvious, your hand with your phone faltering as you added the next cup of milk, the white sauce slowly thickening.

"Jus' taking a quick walk," he replied. "What're you up too?" His voice was muffled almost the same way it was when he talked to you through the Spider-Man mask.

"Cooking." You told him, the smile on your face growing. "This day has been going on way too long, and I need something to do to speed up time."

"Yeah, I feel like that a lot too. I'm officially out of things to do back home, I finished playing every video game I've ever started."

Your ears perked up and you turned your head to face him. "Even Detroit?" You asked curiously, and Peter laughed. God, that laugh.

"Played the last of it last night actually." You saw his brown eyes soften a little with sadness. "I think I'm too nice of a person, because I couldn't save Kara and Alice." You gasped but then nodded understandably, knowing exactly what he had done without him telling you.

"Hold on a sec. I need both hands, lemme put you down somewhere." You spoke up, staring at the boy through the screen and putting your whisk down as he looked at you, waiting patiently after nodding his head. You angled the camera towards where you were standing in front of the stove, balancing it against a container or cereal on the counter so you would be in frame. "Alright, I think we're good." You smiled as you opened a bag of shredded sharp cheddar cheese and slowly started dumping it into the white sauce, Usually Parmesan went in, but you had to make do with what you had.

"What are you making?" Peter asked curiously, squinting as he tried to get a better look before watching his surroundings to make sure he didn't bump into anyone or anything.

"Chicken normandy alfredo noodles," you chirped. "Not sure if that's the proper name, but that's what I'm calling it."

"Mm that sounds good. Don't remind me of how hungry I am."

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