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My eyes fluttered open when I heard soft mummers coming from the living room. I rolled to my side in search of Jungkook however I could feel nothing but an empty spot beside me.

"Is there nothing we can do to help her?" I heard Jungkook's distressed voice and in curiosity, I slowly tiptoed towards the door to see whom he was talking to in the middle of the night.

"Medication and therapy might help a bit but recovery rely completely on her will however even though she denies it with her mouth, she has been blaming herself for everyone's death and is still stuck in her past." I gasped recognizing the voice.

What was Seokjin doing here that too in my apartment having this conversation with Jungkook in the middle of the night?

"Did you know about this before?" Jungkook directed the question to someone and the person responded with a deep sigh.

"She always used to claim that she took her medicines but in reality, she never did and whenever I tried to confront her about this, she used to lash out at me saying I was accusing her of being mad. I never thought it was her delusion that made her think that she was regularly taking the medicines. I should have taken care of her better" with guilt tingling in his voice Jimin spoke and my eyebrows furrowed in shock at his words.

Why would Jimin even lie about me not taking my medicine? I never missed taking them. I was never careless when it came to my health.

"As you see in the video, from the CCTV footage. There is no one around her and she is screaming and beating herself. This explains the marks on her body were self-inflicted. Initially, I had suspected that someone was playing pranks on her but the video we recovered is proof that she is mentally ill and having a hallucination of someone hunting her. Her trying to kill herself is also the result of her mental instability" the voice sounded deep and rough and soon enough I recognized it to be Officer Min, Charlotte's boyfriend.

My breathing stopped as my mind scrambled to make sense of their conversation.

Mental instability?

Does that mean everything happening to me was my imagination but what about the mark on my body? Nothing was making sense to me.

"I also visited the restaurant she fainted and asked the workers there and they confirmed that she was lying on the floor unconscious and nothing was wrong in the washroom" Officer Min further added.

"I know, it was me who carried her from the washroom," Jungkook told them and they began discussing how to break this news to me and help me to get better.

Seokjin he started to share how I have been hallucinating the guy holding Smeraldo which was a representation that It was all in my head.

At a point, I heard Jungkook sobbing hard not being able to accept my condition while the calming voice of my doctor reinsured him that with the proper care and treatment I could get better.

I ran towards the drawer beside my bed and took my medicine out. For months I was having the same medicine which never ran out or decreased even when the prescription was just for a month.

finally, Jimin's words started to sink in. In my mind, I was regularly taking the medicine however, in reality, I wasn't taking them at all. I recalled Jimin trying to confront me and me lashing out at him feeling offended when in reality Jimin was saying the truth all along.

My stomach lurched as my screams reached to my throat to let out all the fear that had been building inside me however nothing but a strangled cry left my lips.

I felt Trapped!

With no way out, no door, no windows, a seal, not even a crevice but absolute blackness with no trace of light.

I felt like I was longing for the warmth of sunlight, refreshing breeze in long grasses, and freedom to touch the sky but how would I escape the confinement? When the prison was my mind itself?

My legs wobbled and soon I found myself on the floor with my head resting on top of my knee. I allowed all of the capped emotions to escape from my eyes while I mourned my condition.

My sobs alerted everyone in the next room and soon they were rushing their way toward me. Jungkook was first to hold me as he mumbled words of comfort into my ears. I looked up to them and saw all of them watching me break down with pity reflecting in their eyes.

Today I realized the depth of destruction Taehyung had brought upon my life. I wasn't capable of having a normal relationship, I wasn't able to live like a normal person. I had lost myself completely.

I felt immense despair because even though I had physically escaped from Taehyung's confinement, I was still trapped in the same room he had locked me up, mentally.

"You will be all fine. I will take care of you" Jungkook spoke with determination but I knew to witness me in this pathetic state was fragmenting his heart.

Jimin crouched down beside me as well and slowly rubbed my back saying encouraging words as well while everyone managed to nod their head and guarantee that I would get better in no time.

Jungkook slowly helped me up to stand on my feet and wiped my cheeks which were stained with tears. Being surrounded by them I no longer felt scared. Taehyung's face flashed into my head but this time it wasn't the one with a malicious smile but a genuine one, just like how everything was when we were together and happy.

"we will get through this" My mother's voice echoed and I could hear my father, my brother, Eunwoo, and Jisoo's voice as well giving me the strength to carry on and I finally took a step forward after years of living in the shadow of my past.


HEHE I guess there was never any ghost

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