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My eyes were wide open as I stared at the ceiling aimlessly. My brain was in mess, I was in a mess as I recalled the unexplainable event that had occurred just a few hours ago.

I was now a hundred percent certain that he was back. The tune he was humming had finally registered in my mind. It was the same song he would sing "Singularity"

Tell me if my voice isn't real
If I shouldn't have thrown myself away
Tell me if even this pain isn't real
What I was supposed to do back then

I recalled the words to the melody which once touched my heart but now, the part it had caressed had a deep gash on it which took no name of healing. There was a time when I believed Taehyung to be just another victim of misapprehension and loneliness however my verdict about him was far from what my naiveness could see because he wasn't who he appeared to be.

My boyfriend who I thought was the most loving and caring individual in the world turned out to be a sociopath.

He wasn't just a murderer, he was the devil himself snatching the life of anyone who didn't gratify him.

Despite my heart shuddering in fright, I was determined not to let his dead ass poach me and succeed. I was hell-bent to reach the root of the predicament and exterminate it even if that meant I had to go back and dig his grave.

Observing me with concern filled orbs, Junkook was waiting for me to explain the situation without uttering a single word. He was firmly holding my hand, occasionally placing a soft kiss on the back, in an attempt to soothe my throbbing heart.

"Do you believe in ghosts and evil spirits?" I blurted out in my hoarse voice.

"I don't" Jungkook was honest as he responded "I am an atheist, neither do I believe in God nor devil" he further shared his views.

I chuckled at his response as I used to be one of those logical people as well. I only accepted facts, and proof however in these few years my entire existence has been altered and I was no longer the same.

"Would you believe If I say I am being hunted? I have been experiencing something supernatural around me" I craned my neck to get a better view of his face.

There was a visible frown plastered on his face. His eyebrows were knitted together glancing at me in scepticism but I didn't blame him. Any sane person would be disturbed by listening to me.

"I am sure there is some misunderstanding" He claimed in full confidence rubbing my back to give me some assurance.

I repositioned myself to turn to him and buried my face on his chest while he enveloped me in his strong arms then I mumbled. "The day when I get killed, everyone is going to believe my words"

Jungkook's grip around me tightened offended by my words however it was the truth. I was sure that nothing I say or show would matter until I would get killed.

How ironic I would die at the hands of my dead boyfriend who had vowed to make me pay for abandoning him.

The memories I wanted burry kept on resurfacing back no matter how hard I tried to eradicate them. 

His screaming voice, the thick smoke and the blood all over my hands reminded me of how I had to abandon everything I ever loved to save myself from his confinement.

Jungkook moved closer and made himself comfortable in the bed while holding me in his embrace. He played with my hair trying to make me sleep but I was lost in the world of my misery.

Right now I was even scared of falling asleep. The dream was another place he could easily get access to my fragile mind.

I wonder what his intention was? If he was out there then why was he torturing me instead of finishing me? or was it because he preferred a slow death and painful death for me?

"Until I am here beside you no one can harm you" Jungkook ensured me hoping I would find consolation in his words but my mind was too busy to retaliate against the situation when no one would be beside me.

What would have happened to me if Jungkook wouldn't arrive in time?

How will I protect myself from him when no one would be around me?


To know this book is scaring some of you I will take it as my great achievement as I am someone who can't even gather to watch a horror movie.

Love you all

and I love all the theories you guys have commented, They are pretty cool.

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