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The burning sensation in my throat stirred me up from a slumber that felt like it lasted for ages. The dried-up tears lingering in the corner of my eyes made it difficult for me to open up my eyelids but somehow I managed to peer through them.

The memories from the night flooded my mind and I prayed to god for it to be a bad dream, a fragment of imagination that my fucked up mind webbed to torture me.

I gradually raised my dress up wishing it was just a nightmare however my last hope perished when my eyes landed on numerous marks and hickeys painted on my inner thighs.

My breath shuddered as well as my body when the realization slapped me hard and I curled my body into a small ball and I let out a stranded cry. I felt utterly helpless as if I was trapped in an unknown place with no escape. These were the same emotions I felt three years ago when he had confined me away from the outer world.

A slight pain erupted from my core and the daunting memories resurfaced along with the feelings.

"Shush" Taehyung continued to penetrate me while I struggled with my hands tied up and mouth muzzled to be inaudible.

I vigorously shook my head, trying to convey him to spare me but my pled went unheard by his deaf ears.

"You wanna escape" he snickered picking up his pace.

"Try, Love because even death ain't gonna save you from me" He whispered trailing a kiss on my shoulder while he fucked me to clench his lust and frustration.

I grabbed my hair pulling it with force because I could feel him again. The sensation I wanted to erase from my body was once again there.

His touch was back.

Suddenly I had no will of living, I wanted to end everything. I could no longer muster up my strength to carry on especially now that I was on my own.

I couldn't find the courage to through this suffering again.

My phone beside the lamp started to vibrate nonstop and I dragged my body to reach out for it then answered the call.

"Tia, why are you...."

"I can't do this anymore, I don't want to live anymore. I want to die. Please Kill me" I wept, begging the voice to end my existence.

"Tia!Tia" the soft voice panicked while I dropped my phone to the floor and forced myself up from the bed.

Without putting much thought I went straight to the bathroom. My unsteady legs made me tumble and tassel my way to the bathroom and after reaching there I began to fill up the bathtub.

I was not going to give him the satisfaction to kill me.

If I had to die then My death would be with my own hands, not anyone else.

"Go to hell Kim Taehyung" I yelled like a madwoman raising my middle finger up in the air and searching for anything I could use to slit my wrists.

"You fucker" I screamed when I found nothing that could help me to get rid of myself so shattered the mirror hanging above the basin with a punch then I grabbed a sharp-looking shred of glass laughing menacingly.

Blood gushed out of my fist as I held the key to my salvation. After I die, I would be free from this madness. I was even hoping to come back as a ghost so that I could hunt whatever that was trying to push me to insanity.

I was about to slash my wrist when someone grabbed me from behind preventing me from harming myself.

"AHHHHH leave me" I screamed thrashing my way out of his grip.

"Tiara Stop!!" his voice growled battling to keep me under his grasp.

"NO!NO!NO, I need to end this" I was literally throwing my legs in the air twisting my body rapidly.

I denied to surrender, I wouldn't allow anyone or anything to block my way to freedom.

"TIAAAA" his voice yelled the soul out of me and I collapsed to the ground like a lifeless doll losing my consciousness again.


the amount of time she had passed out is mind-blowing hehe

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cover by Kathyrin22

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