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"Tia" Jungkook stirred me with a slight panic mingling in his voice and when I didn't respond to him for the third time, he snaked his arms around my waist and pull me close to his body. The warmth radiating from him did provide me with some form of solace but it didn't guarantee my safety.

I have no clue for how long I had remained in the same position bawling my eyes out but after some time I started to hear people chattering and their footsteps fading away as they exited the hall.

Some people asked Jungkook to join them in the cafeteria but he politely declined, saying he wanted to look after me because I was having stomach cramps. Everyone thought that I was on my period nevertheless I was thankful to Jungkook for covering up for me.

When the room was empty, I slowly rose my face up to meet his eyes. I was embarrassed for breaking down before him so sniffing I puckered my lips saying sorry.

For some reason, his breath shuddered. His pupils dilated while he was studying my face, tracing my features with his gentle eyes. The ardour with which he was boring his eyes into my soul made me a bit conscious so I shifted in my seat nibbling my lips.

Catching me off guard and confused, he placed a small kiss on my lips stunning me for a moment.

"Don't cry, please" he whispered against my lips and deepened the kiss while I stayed frozen as my mind was desperately scrambling to make sense of his action.

When he got no response from me, Jungkook cursed under his breath and pulled away averting his gaze. Unlike before he could no longer look into my eyes.

"I am sorry, seeing you in tears I had a strong tendency to do something to comfort you. I don't know why I did it but I couldn't help it." he was explaining himself rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"You are so beautiful Tia and you always made my heart go wild. From the first day, you smiled at me I...."

"shit" when he realized what he blurted out he covered his mouth with wide eyes.

"It's...O..k" red blush flushed my cheeks and I quickly contemplated the words to say at that moment to make it less awkward.

Rather than feeling mad, I felt butterflies crowding my belly. I wanted to shoo them away but the harder I tried more they fluttered against my will.

"No you have a boyfriend and I should not have kissed you" He appeared defeated and as if accepting the fact I was with someone was painful to him, he bit his lips hard and looked away with a clenched fist.

I was stunned for a while wondering how did he come to the conclusion that I was in a relationship when the incident where I fainted and Jimin had to come to pick me up to hit me. Even though I was not in my senses witnessing the way Jimin must have held me, he must have gotten the idea that we were dating.

"I don't have a boyfriend" I confessed shrugging my shoulder.

"You don't" Jungkook looked shocked at the revelation.

"But..." he stopped himself but I knew what he wanted to say.

"It's complicated actually but we are not dating, however, we are living together and..." I trailed off but it was enough for him to perceive the kind of relationship I was with Jimin.

We remained quiet for some time and when a few students began to enter the hall we got the clue that it was time to leave. Gathering our stuff, we walked out of the hall with our lips zipped shut. None of us bothered to say anything until we reached the coffee machine.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked to break the tension between us and Jungkook who seemed to be in deep thought nodded his head signalling okay.

I had missed my first lecture and my second lecture wouldn't start until an hour later so I dawdled to choose what kind of coffee I wanted to drink when Jungkook's voice garnered my attention.

"Does that mean kissing you wasn't wrong?" my finger which was about to press the vanilla Machito button paused.

It felt like I had no answer to his question. Jimin and I never discussed the grounds on which our relationship was based upon. I knew he went on dates, I had seemed him with other women as well but I never bothered knowing the details. I had no clue what he did outside since I never pried into his external affairs.

Confused about what to reply, I slowly spun around to face Jungkook when I noticed we were not even a millimetre apart. Jungkook was so close to me that my heart felt like it would explode. I didn't even have the courage to lift my head up to look directly into his eyes.

His towering frame made me feel small and swallowing down the lump in my throat I squeaked whatever that came in my head."I don't know" 

I told him sincerely.

I really didn't know if it was right or wrong.

It would be wrong if I got offended right? but his kiss simply made my heart flutter so would it be counted as right?

"I think I no longer care" and with that, he pressed his lips against mine into a desperate kiss.

He pushed me with his kiss until I was leaning on the machine as he angled his head to get a better grip on the kiss. Disregarding all the students surrounding us we kissed as if it was our very last kiss, losing our minds completely over each other's touch. 

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