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Just like I had promised, I didn't tell a soul about our plan and waited for Jisoo's text to guide me. After about an hour or two, when it was almost past ten pm, she texted me the GPS location of the IP address, and the anonymous emails that were sent and without a further due, I took my purse and headed out of my house telling my parents that I was going for an evening walk.

I took a taxi and when I reached the place, I felt stupid for not recognizing the location of my own college.

I got another text from Jisoo saying there was a change of plan and she required me to go back and wait at home for her because breaking into the college could lead to serious consequences and that she would handle everything on her own.

I narrowed my eyes feeling perplexed. Why did she suddenly decide that it was fine to cast me out when we had agreed to go through it together?

Ignoring the message, for once I decided to see the end to it myself. After all, I was already so close to finding the truth. She may be protecting me in her own way but I was not going to back down now. Eunwoo was my dear friend as well and I wanted justice for him too.

Since students were not allowed inside the college premises after class hours, I used the back gate to climb inside the college and followed the map when I ended up in front of the computer science building.

Josuha had first used the emails to track the IP address then hacking the network connection of the college, he had discovered the mac address of the PC. 

There were multiple computer labs in the building so finding out the one which was used was going to be tough. However, I wasn't going to bail out easily so I decided to start from the lab with which I was most familiar.

Using the mac address, that Jisoo had texted me along with IP address, I went ahead and check each and every computer to see whose mac addresses would match, and luckily I found the computer that was used to send those anonymous emails to Eunwoo immediately.

When I stood before the machine the realization that someone I knew was behind Eunwoo's death sunk deeper into my skin and my heart wrenched in disgust.

Taking a deep breath in, I mustered up my courage and checked the schedule to match whose class was running at the time when Enwoo received the message and another sharp pain jabbed my heart.

Tuesday, the day Eunwoo was absent, the day he was found dead, the class that had a lab on the exact time he got those anonymous texts was ours and right at the moment, Jisoo's voice echoed into my head.

"I feel like someone we know was behind this. Someone who knew about Eunwoo's secrete Id, his other phone"

My body began trembling as each one of my classmate's faces flashed in front of my eyes. I couldn't imagine any of them being a killer but all the evidence we have gathered was pointing out that it was someone we knew.

Eunwoo was extremely popular, meaning he had many friends and even though he was well behaved and kind, his popularity came with jealousy and rivalry from other guys.

I slowly took a baby step towards the computer I was working on that day. I clearly remembered Jimin to be sitting to my left and Jisoo to my right and the person who was sitting at that specific computer that was right behind me was Taehyung.

My breath got knocked out of me and the world around me appeared to stand still. The feeling was similar to falling down from an airplane without any parachute.

I nearly puked at the absurd conclusion that my mind came up with as I repeatedly shook my head not wanting to believe any of it.

"Tia, I will sit here today" He had sweetly smiled at me taking his position behind me.

Taehyung had always preferred to sit beside me, so it was quite unusual for me to see him changing his regular scheme, but seeing Jimin getting excited to sit alongside me I had brushed it off.

I slapped myself for doubting Taehyung, he would never hurt my friend. Though he didn't get along with any one of them because he lacked socializing skills but that didn't mean he would go and hurt them.

I ran towards the security room thinking I might be able to break into it and somehow get access to the footage of that day.

Maybe I did some mistake in recalling, maybe someone else used the same PC when Taehyung was not around

Maybe ...

My steps came to halt when another thing hit my mind.

In all the pictures sent to Eunwoo, where every one of his friends was included only Taehyung was missing.

"NO!NO!" I gritted my teeth attempting to push such dark thoughts away as I dashed inside the security room and at once my entire world came crashing down.

With my eyes stretched beyond their limit, I was staring at my friend who was like a sister to me in the pool of blood, boring her dead eyes right into my soul.

I took an abrupt step back, petrified to the point that I was no longer capable of producing any form of sound.

I slowly turned my attention to my boyfriend who had his gloved hands painted with her blood as he pulled out the knife from Jisoo's heart and looked at me with piercing cold eyes.

"You weren't supposed to be here," he breathed out as if he did some miscalculation and ended up getting caught while I remained rooted on my spot not being able to move my single muscle

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"You weren't supposed to be here," he breathed out as if he did some miscalculation and ended up getting caught while I remained rooted on my spot not being able to move my single muscle.

"Why didn't you go back to your home, Tia?" he tilted his head wiping the blood over his dark latex hood, seemingly annoyed by my unplanned presence.

The shock had left me paralyzed because my mind was nowhere near ready to face this truth while our gaze remained connected.

"Babe, I am sorry" a strong pain-wracked on the back of my head and I lost all of my senses at once as my body fell forward to hit the floor.


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your fast-updating author-nim.

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