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My ear was ringing constantly after my brain had registered the words in the text. I was feeling a mixture of emotions such as anger, anxiousness, and despair.

Eunwoo was a person of virtue and regardless of his popularity, he was always kind and considerate of others so I couldn't think of any reason why someone would hurt him.

"Ara, You fine?" Jimin snapped me out of my thought and I bore into his eyes feeling inarticulated.

"Baby" it was Taehyung who nudged me this time trying to gain my attention.

Nothing that the principal was saying was getting into my brain. It was some sort of suicide awareness speech but every syllable he uttered was flying over my head.

"Jisoo is sure, Enuwoo was murdered" I blurted out and both of their orbs went wide like a tennis ball.

"I knew it, There was no reason for him to kill himself, that family problem and rejection is shit police trying to feed us to save their incompetence ass." Jimin spat in a tone mingled with venom while riling his fist up whereas Taehyung chose to remain quiet.

"Did she find any proof?" Jimin questioned me to which I shrugged my shoulder.

"She did say she found some suspicious emails in his secrete email id so now she is trying to find a hacker to track the IP address from where the messages were sent but..." I trailed off.

Hacking was a tough job. To be able to get into a mere system, we needed knowledge of database, networking, and programming combined which wasn't an easy task. In addition, it was illegal so we were stuck for now.

"How about we ask Joshua's help?" Jimin suggested to which my face morphed into disgust.

"That guy hacked Jisoo's account and stole her info as well some of her intimate pictures and blackmailed her to date him, he is disgusting" I rejected his advice when Taehyung suddenly spoke out.

"That's the reason why we can ask him..." I narrowed my eyes not understanding his statement.

"We know that he is a good hacker, plus he is in love with Jisoo meaning he will be willing to take the risks for her after all hacking is illegal but this guy doesn't care and won't even charge us money" I realized that his words were making sense.

"No, we will ask for his help, not girls, he is not good news, let me handle him " Jimin emphasized ' me 'before diverting his attention back to our principal on the stage.

No matter how much I detested that guy, the idea to use Joshua wasn't bad, however, I was pretty much sure that neither Jimin nor Taehyung could make him agree. Only boobs had that power so without a second thought, I texted Jisoo about the idea.

As soon as the school got over, I called Jisoo who received the call and explained, how she had already contacted Joshua even before I texted her also she revealed what she had found in Eunwoo's secrete email address.

Someone had anonymously sent the picture of me, Jisoo and Jimin in the computer class, then his father in his office, his grandmother with the subject "tik-tok time is running"

Since Enuwoo was a trainee and was secretly dating Jisoo, he had several secret accounts as well as a hidden phone which was never found. She also shared how polices dismissed her without even letting her explain the entire thing so swallowing her pride she had asked Joshua for help and he had agreed to help her in only one condition.

Just by hearing what the proposition was made my blood boil. Such a sickening guy that made me nauseating just by recalling his face.

"You don't have to do it," I pleaded with her with tears rolling down my eyes. I was sure we could think of any other solution.

"I know Ara, but I have no choice, I need his help even if it means I will have to throw away my dignity, I can't let my baby be tagged as a coward, I can't" she was weeping out loud and so was I.

"Listen please, don't tell this to anyone, I don't trust anybody, not even Jimin and Taehyung, it's just between you and me, not even Jimin. I feel like someone we know was behind this. Someone who knew about Eunwoo's secret Id, his another phone so when I text you the location of the IP address, you come directly there. I will be there as well, do you get it?" I nodded my head sniffing.

"Ara," she called me in a weak voice and I hmm in response.

"Will you get disgusted by me after this?" her question was simple but it shattered my heart into millions of pieces.

"Never, I love you so much, I will never be repulsed by you" I ensured her with confidence and she broke into loud sobs.

"Thank you... thank you so much" with that she ended called and I plummeted into the floor not being able to bear the pain our predicament was causing us.


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