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A/N:  Hope everyone is doing well wherever you are!  College for me has gone online, but I'm still busy.  Still though, I decided to do this chapter on the virus and quarantine to hopefully brighten everyone's day/serve as a PSA.

Enjoy and remember to wash your hands afterwards~!



"Yeah dudette?"

"Are you sure you should be doing... this?"  You asked, looking at Alfred who was sitting on his beanbag playing video games in his pjs.

"What?"  Alfred asked, pausing his game.

"Should you be playing video games and eating?"  You asked bluntly since there was no beating around the bush with Alfred.

"Dudette, this is quarantine, meaning no going out."  Alfred said.  "Plus, besides video games, what else is there to do?"

"..."  You were silent as he had a point.

"But don't you have like a job to do?"  You asked, still feeling dismayed.

"Totally dudette," Alfred said.  "Staying home!"  He said in a cheeky voice.  "Staying home means no work!"

"But you can work from home," You pointed out.

"Yeah, but I like already did it.  They said they needed it by like Monday morning and I passed it in like at 11 pm on Sunday."  Alfred said.


"I'm just going to enjoy my stay-cation in style, with tons of video game binges!"  Alfred said.

"But what about food?"  You asked.

"No problemo dudette, watch."  He said, taking out his phone.  Not even a few seconds later you heard the doorbell go off.

"Who's at the door?"  You asked, following Alfred.

"My food!"  Alfred said, opening the door to find a big bag of food.

"Where's the driver?"

"In his car, I got contact-less delivery," Alfred said, taking the food to the kitchen.  "Like every chain is doing delivery and has an app for it."  He said.

You were about to say something when the doorbell went off.


"Awesome!  My Mexican food is here too!"  Alfred said.

'How much food did he order?'  You wondered as Alfred came back with another huge bag of food.  All in all, you estimated he ordered enough food for 15 people.


"Bloody Hell!"  You heard Arthur yell from his personal office.  You got up from the couch and went to his study, knocking on the door.

"Arthur?  Is everything alright?"  You asked.

"No," Came the response, sounding like a groan.  You opened the door, finding Arthur sitting at his desk with his laptop.

"What's up?  Did something go wrong?"  You asked.

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