He Turns Into A Cat

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A/N:  Happy New Year!  Looking forward to the new year and I hope it'll be filled with lots of writing and good times, and less homework but I don't that (; _ ;)

Anyways, let's kick off this year with a fun(ny) special chapter!

Requested by Mari's Birthday Is Today & FeatherGothic & ANIME


World meetings.  Otherwise known as chaos.

Even with Germany yelling and calling for order, plenty would continue fighting and talking amongst each other, like a certain trio.

"Hey guys, look at this new potion I made,"  Romania said, holding a pink bottle in front of Norway and England.

"What's it supposed to do?"  England asked, making Romania puff his chest out.

"It's a transformation potion,"  Romania said.  "Anyone who gets covered in it or drinks it will transform."

"Transform into what exactly?"  Norway asked, turning the potion bottle in his hand.

"Oh, that,"  Romania said.  "They'll turn into a-"

"Hey dudes!  Watcha lookin' at?!"  America asked, smashing into Norway, sending him flying to the ground where-


-the bottle smashed, a big puff of blue smoke filled the room.

"*cough, cough* Is everyone okay?"  Germany asked.

"Ve-meow~  My-a body feels-a funny Germany,"  Italy said.

"Italy... why did you meow?"  Japan asked.

"Ve-meow~  I-a did?"  Italy asked.

"Hey, he like totally did!"  Denmark said.

"Oh!  I think the smoke is starting to clear!"  Finland said.  "Wait, what's this fuzzy thing next to me?"


"Oh!  Mr. Sweden, I didn't know you were wearing a fur coat."

"I'm n't,"  Sweden said.

"Romania, what happened?"  England asked as the smoke started to clear up, hazy forms starting to be seen.

"A-ah... well, we maybe... kinda turned into-"

"Holy cow!  I'm a cat!"  America yelled as the other nations soon realized the truth; they had all turned into cats.

Eventually, the smoke cleared up, and it was discovered that a few nations were unaffected for some reason, so it fell on these nations to call everyone's bosses who decided to simply wait this out and hope the nations would turn back into humans.

And so, in the meantime, you ended up having to take care of him as a cat.  Let's see how this goes, especially since he really is a full on cat that can't talk to you.

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