Getting Caught Making Out

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A/N: Happy Easter! And no, I'm not doing an Easter chapter because a) I don't celebrate it, and b) I don't know enough about the holiday to do it.​​​​​​
Also, I went back to the "How He Kisses You" Chapter to get ideas, so for some it might help to look back on that.

Requested by Samantha (a while ago) and animeangel (recently). Special thanks to Mayumi-chan for advising me on German phrasing/words.


The two of you were sitting at Alfred's house playing video games. To make things more interesting, the winner would get the loser to do something for them. And guess who just lost?

You did. You started pouting and asked,

"So what do you want Alfie?" He looked at you with a goofy grin on his face. He then pulled you onto his lap, causing you to squeak.

"The Hero always gets a kiss for winning~" You rolled your eyes a bit but still pulled him in for the kiss, surprising him a bit.

He soon after pulled you closer as he tilted his head in order to deepen the sugar-filled kiss between you two. But before you two could keep going you heard a voice say,

"Bloody hell! Don't just start going off like that when I'm still in the damn house you wanker!" You two broke apart and found a blushing but fuming British man staring at you two.

Alfred gave a sheepish smile, realizing that he forgot Arthur was visiting. He then said,

"Sorry dude, won't happen again." Arthur turned away and grumbled,

"The hell it won't... this is the fifth bloody time this month..."


You watched as Arthur sat at his desk with his computer in front of him, practically killing himself with all the work he was doing. And to top it off, he was ignoring you, his girlfriend, which really annoyed you.

You went up to him and pulled his chair back and sat on his lap. He looked at you and blushed. He began to stutter out something but you interrupted him, saying,

"No more working. You are killing yourself and ignoring me." He processed what you said and smirked as he whispered in you ear,

"Oh, feeling a bit neglected, love?" You heard the huskiness in his voice and shivered a bit. Pirate Iggy was coming out~

Arthur soon tilted your chin up and crashed his lips onto yours, stealing a kiss like the pirate that he is. He pulled your body closer as he placed his hand in your hair. Just as he licked your lips, asking for entrance, you two heard a voice say,

"Ohnononon~ Someone is going to get laid, no~" You two immediately broke away blushing as a laughing Francis was standing at the window grinning pervertedly. Arthur then yelled,

"Get out of here you Bloody French Frog!"


You were a bit flustered at the moment due to being unable to decide which plushie was cuter. As you were struggling, Yao walked into the room. He then asked,

"What are you doing, aru?" You turned your flustered face to him and said,

"I can't decide which is cuter..." You held the plushies up to him. He looked for about 30 seconds before jumping on you, pushing you back onto the bed, as he exclaimed,

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