A Chibitalia Halloween Special

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A/N:  Happy Halloween everyone!

With this, silverthornes's third annual Monster Bash Challenge comes to an end for another year.  I had a ton of fun writing all these scenarios as I always do, and I'm so happy that a lot of people enjoyed it too and made requests for more monsters and Halloween-themed chapters for next year.

Anyways, onto the last chapter of the challenge; it's a nonlinear Human AU where you guys happen to be chibis together who go trick-or-treating on Halloween night.  So just to clear some things up now; you guys do have parents and families and so do they, just like in a normal Human AU.


"Mommy, are you done yet?"  You asked, making your mother chuckle.

"Just about,"  Your mother said.  "And there!  All done!"  She said, tightening your ribbon on your costume.

"[name]!"  You heard Alfred yell from the front door.  "Let's start trick-or-treating!"

"Coming!"  You said, hurrying downstairs, grabbing your candy bag.

"Let's go!"  Alfred said, grabbing your hand.  He led you down the street, you two going from house to house getting candy.

"Let's go to that house,"  You said, pointing to a really spooky house.

"U-uh, a-are you s-sure you w-wanna?"  Alfred asked, obviously scared.  You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, I wanna go,"  You said, already heading down the walkway to the house.

"W-wait,"  Alfred said, hurrying to catch up to you.  "I c-can't let you g-go alone. A Hero w-wouldn't do that,"  He said, puffing out his chest.

"Okie-dokie,"  You said, ringing the doorbell.  You waited a few minutes before a man opened the door with a mask on.

"Ahh!"  Alfred screamed, running off. You sighed and took candy for both you before running after Alfred.

'I wish he'd just get frozen in fear instead of bolting,'  You thought to yourself.


"San-ta dora-the-explora I-"

"Iggy!  It's time to go trick-or-treating!"  You said, barging into the dark basement.

"Wha-?!  [name]!  Don't just barge in while I'm doing magic!"  Arthur yelled at you.

"But it's time to go trick-or-treating!"  You said, grabbing his hand, pulling him upstairs and out the door.

"But it's a great night to do magic!"  Arthur said, as you grabbed a bag for him and dragged him out the door.

"Do it another night."  You said.  "Halloween only comes once a year."


"Trick-or-treat!"  You said, arriving at the first house with Arthur.

"What a cute pair of witches!"  The lady at the door said.

"I'm not a fake witch, I'm a real witch,"  Arthur said, puffing his cheeks out in a pout.  "This isn't a costume."

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