Welcome Home!!!

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A/N:  Did you guys really think I would finish the book at 100 chapters?  And on such a sad note? Anyways, we'll now continue on where we left off, with him coming home.

Enjoy and again, huge thanks to all my fans for sticking with me for this long (3 & 1/2 years)!

Also, quick note that all chapters coming out in the month of October will be part of my fourth annual Monster Bash!  So please look forward to those.  I'm working hard on writing and planning chapters, but I'm having trouble trying to find the time to write as I am a busy college student.


You tapped your foot impatiently as you glanced around the bustling airport, still waiting for -

"[name]!"  You heard someone shout, causing you to turn around only to be swept off your feet and spun around by Alfred.

"The Hero is home!"  Alfred said as he set you down and gave you a bone crushing hug.

"Welcome home Alfie..."  You managed to choke out.

"Aw dudette, I missed you so much but I still kept being a Hero."  Alfred said, his hug getting tighter, your face starting to go blue.


"I kept my promise too,"  Alfred said, pulling back from the hug, letting you gasp for air as he gave you a cheeky grin.

"I was the Hero who ended the war!"  Alfred declared as you looked up at his dazzling smile.  It made you want to smile too as tears started running down your face.

"Yeah... you were the Hero,"  You said, making Alfred grin.  He laughed and gave you a hearty slap on the back, nearly knocking you over.

"Totally dudette, now let's head home,"  He said, already leading you out of the airport.  "I gotta tell you about all the stuff that happened."

"Like what?"

"Like how my video games kept getting confiscated!"  Alfred whined, puffing his cheeks out a bit, making you giggle for the first time since he left.

'He may complain and nearly kill me with that superhuman strength of his but I'm still happy he's home,'  You thought to yourself as you held onto Alfred's arm.


'He should have been home by now,'  You thought to yourself as you paced the room.  You tried calling his phone again.

"I'm sorry, the number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.  Please try again-"

"Ugh, now his phone is dead too?"  You said in an exasperated tone.  After another few minutes, you clicked your tongue and waved your hand, using magic to teleport you.

You opened your eyes and found yourself on the side of a country road, probably half an hour away from your house.  You looked around and noticed a blond man cursing at a broken down car.

"Arthur!"  You yelled, getting his attention as you ran over to him and hugged him tight.  You felt him hug back too.

"I missed you so much Iggy!"

Boyfriend Scenarios: HetaliaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora