He (Attempts) To Be Sexy

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A/N:  This is going to be funny, so prepare for laughs and please read this in a place where no one will hear you, or else they will think you are insane for laughing so long.  Enjoy the special!

Also quick thank yous to my editors Thai-Thai_Tiger and Hell'sBlade, and as always when they help me write a chapter, we included our thoughts at the end of this with us commenting on each guy's scenario.

PS:  We did our research~

Requested by Jeff the Killer & Astrid Winchester


You two were having a movie night, sitting on the couch with snacks and popcorn plus plenty of soda.  The movie theme tonight was superhero films, otherwise known as Alfred's favorites.

Part way through it, you felt Alfred put his arm around you, but you didn't think much of it since you were too into the movie to really mind.

"Hey [name],"  Alfred said in a low voice.

"Hmm?"  You kept your eyes on the screen.

"You know, if I was Captain America, I'd want you to be my Lady Liberty~"  He said.  You just nodded.

"Sure, that's sweet."  You said, going right back to watching the movie.  Only for Alfred to pull you a little closer.

"I am so into you that I would totally catch you before you hit the ground if you fell off of a building~"  Alfred said.  You just nodded.

"Glad to hear it."  You said, eyes still on the screen, though you thought you heard a frustrated huff.  Before you knew it, Alfred had paused the movie and moved to pin you to the couch.

"Was your daddy the Human Torch, because you are on fire."  Alfred whispered, though you were confused.


"You must be a bad girl, because my spidey senses sure are tingling south."  He said, making you burst out in laughter.

"Your spidey senses?"  You asked through your laughter.  "Oh man, that's funny!"  You said as Alfred sat up, his face red with embarrassment while he awkwardly crossed his legs.  You on the other hand kept laughing, clutching your sides.


"Arthur, are you coming to bed or not?"  You called out.

"I am coming love, but not to sleep~"  He said, opening the bedroom door to reveal himself dressed as a pirate.  You gasped as you watched him strut towards you.

"I hope you don't mind me stealing you away for a night."  He said, getting onto the bed.  He crawled on top of you, going in for a kiss when you gagged and stopped him, pushing him off you and onto the ground, your hands on your nose.

"Love?"  Arthur said, sitting up on the ground.  "What happened?"

"You stink."  You said.  "I thought you showered when you got home."  You said.  Arthur looked confused.

"I did,"  He said, standing up.  "Could it perhaps be my clothing?"

"If you bought it at a costume store then it shouldn't."  You said.  Arthur's eyebrows furrowed.

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