The Bride of Frankenstein

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A/N:  Side note, check out the person who did this picture because they did more on Pininterest and they are all so cute~


"Kesse, look, zhe awezome me knows zhat lately we've all been having some unawezome luck vith our love lives, but is zhis really zhe answer?"  Prussia asked, looking over at Hungary along with the rest of the skeptical nations.

"Of course it is jou idiot."  She said with a huff.

"Yes, but actually building us a lover?"  Finland asked.  "I think that's a bit much, don't you agree Su-san?"


"Yeah, I think it ain't such a good idea."  America said.  "I mean, what if you end up creating an unholy monster that goes on a killing spree and-"

"Oh be quiet you wanker!"  England said with an annoyed huff.  "This isn't one of your bloody horror movies."  America puffed his cheeks out.

"At least it isn't like your boring shows where all people do is sip tea."  He said.  England growled.

"Those shows are far better than yours!"  He cried, lunging at America, making the two brawl on the ground as the other nations watched.

"Oi, oi, zhat's enough with zhe sexual tension."  France said.  "So now kiss and make up and zhen go to bed with each other~"  He said with a wink, making England scoff.

"No bloody way frog!"  England said.

"Come now, you know you want to~"  France said, making England lunge at him, only for France to step aside from his place against the wall.

"England don't-!"  But Hungary was cut off by England smashing against a lever, causing electricity to surge through the room and hit the tables where the bodies lie, blinding everyone in the room with the brilliant light.

Eventually, it all subsided, and the group was silent till-

"Wah!  I can't see!  I can't see!"  Denmark screamed, thumps being heard as he smashed into things and other people in his panicked running.

"That's vhat happens vhen jou pull zhe lever vithout goggles on."  Hungary said in an annoyed voice.

"Oof... whoever is on my leg, get off."  Iceland said, lying near one of the tables.

"Oops, sorry."  A voice said.  It was then that everyone realized something;

That there was someone else in the room who wasn't there before.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!"  Several people screamed.

And thus, that is how you all met each other.

Now let's see how you all are doing some time later!


You and Alfred were out doing some gardening; you watering while he was weeding.  You giggled as you took the hose and playfully splashed him with a bit of water.

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