You Read His Internet History

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A/N:  Sorry for the delay, I badly need a new laptop.  Mine is old and overheating like mad these past 2 weeks.  Like it would be on for 30 minutes and then shut down from being too hot.

Also, who here would be freaked out if that actually popped up on your computer?


It was just a usual day at home when the phone rang with you husband's boss on the line.

"We have an emergency!  Get here immediately!"  Was the gist of the message.

And so, your husband had to run out of the house in a hurry, enough so that he forgot to turn his computer off.


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"Well, no surprise there,"  You said to yourself as you scrolled through Alfred's internet history.  You continued to scroll through and noticed that Alfred was on youtube a lot.

"Wonder what he's watching..."  You asked aloud, clicking onto his youtube history.

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"... Still no surprises here, although I could definitely use some of these videos to think of what to get Alfred for his birthday and Christmas."  You said to yourself.

'Now where is my notepad?'  You thought to yourself, heading out of the room to grab it.


"I got a bad feeling about this..."  You said to yourself, glancing at the computer.  You shook your head.

"I know I shouldn't, but I have to follow my gut."  You said, going to Arthur's internet history.

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"Dear god... I think I'm going to be sick..."  You muttered, going pale as you continued to scroll, your worst fears being confirmed.

"God help us... I better call the fire department,"  You said.  "Ugh, I gotta figure out the date he's planning to cook on."

You moved the mouse on the screen and went to the calendar.  After scanning it, you noticed a date was blocked off and clicked on it.

'Without a doubt, this is the doom date,'  You thought to yourself.  You sighed and turned to your phone and began dialing.

"Hello?  Yes, it's me, Arthur's wife."  You said.

"No, there's no fire right now chief, but there will be one on X date... yes, I found the evidence on his computer... Oh?  Thank you, I'm glad you'll have the firefighters on standby."  You said, writing down a note to yourself to send more thank-you packages to the fire station.

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