He (Attempts) To Cook For You

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After coming home from a busy day of work, all you really wanted to do was eat and then cuddle with your boyfriend while watching a nice movie or something like that. You were definitely not expecting this.

The kitchen was ruined. It looked like there were burnt hamburgers in the oven, the sink faucet was gone, and there was... a pig? Yes, a pig covered in mud running around the Alfred who was as white as a ghost.

You walked over to him as he wore his "I think I might've goofed up" look. You placed a finger on his cheek and wiped off the white stuff.

"Alfred." He gulped. Full first name, not a good sign.

"Y-yeah dudette?"

"What exactly happened here?" You asked.

"Well... I was, uh, trying to cook for some hamburgers for us but the, uh burgers sorta caught on fire and I placed them in the, uh oven, and uh... um..." He looked nervous. "Well I tried to put it out, but sorta broke the faucet."

"And how does the pig and this," You licked the white powder. "Sugar fit into this mess?" He looked down.

"I wanted to order from a steak house, but I, uh guess they messed up my order and instead brought me a pig, who kinda sorta broke through a bag of sugar which sprayed all over me..." He answered, getting more scared by the minute.

"Alfred F. Jones," Full name, very bad sign. "You are to clean this mess up, take the pig away from here, and fix my sink mister." He nodded. "And then you are to come cuddle with me and watch a movie."

His eyes lit up as he bounded off to be the hero of the situation while you went straight for an aspirin for your massive headache.


You were happily heading over to Arthur's house when you heard the sound of fire trucks and ambulances coming by. Thinking nothing of it, nor the direction they were heading, you continued on your way, not expecting what greeted you.

Arthur's entire kitchen was burned away, but the rest of the house was relatively fine. You soon asked a nearby firefighter what happened.

"Oh, some guy tried to make what appeared to be a desert, but ended up destroying his kitchen when he apparently added something slightly explosive into it." He answered. You sighed and went to find Arthur. When you did, you found him arguing with another firefighter. You marched up and grabbed Arthur by the ear.

"Hey!" The firefighter yelled. "I wasn't done-"

"You are now, so leave the chewing him out to his girlfriend mister." You said, venom in your voice, that shut the firefighter up, making him give Arthur an almost sympathetic look. Once the two of you were far enough away you let go of his ear and crossed your arms.

"Arthur James Kirkland," You said. "What were you doing with explosives?" He looked down and mumbled out,

"I was... well I wanted to make some scones for you... and Leon [Hong Kong] suggested adding this blue powder to make the taste pop... and-" You held up a hand to silence him. You held the bridge of your nose.

"Arthur, thank you for the gesture, but if anyone like Leon or Alfred tries to give you a powder or something that will make something else pop, please refuse." You said. He nodded.

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