He Has A Hangover

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A/N:  This will be told from his view and will at times get a tiny bit disgusting, but that's what happens when you get hungover, so don't overdo the alcohol for anybody who does drink.


I woke up feeling miserable; head pounding, nose stuffy, throat sore, and I had a horrible taste in my mouth.

'Just what happened last night?' I thought as I sat up. Big mistake. I swear it felt like my stomach did loop-de-loops. I covered my mouth and ran into the bathroom.

As I was busy puking my guts out, I felt someone rub my back. And then when done, I was handed a bottle of mouthwash.

"Here, Alfie, you may want this." [name] said. I nodded and took a whole mouth full.

"Thanks dudette," I said as I slumped against the bathtub. [name] shook her head. I then asked, "So what happened last night? I remember going out for drinks with Mattias and Gilbert and-"

"And they left you after you got really, really drunk." [name] said, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"So what happened next?" I asked, feeling nausea beginning to hit me again.

"Well first you couldn't recognize me and said I was 'as purdy as your wife'. Then you forgot you were married, and afterwards..." She looked away.

"What happened next?" I asked, feeling both guilt and nausea gnawing away at me.

"Well... you did sort of ruin my car by-" I cut her off by turning back to the toilet.

"-vomiting in it." She finished as she rubbed my back. I would've been a Hero and apologized about the trouble I caused lastnight, but I think my heroic body is already making me pay for it.


"... ugh I want to die..." I said as I covered myself with the blanket.

"No you don't." [name] said.

"I'll quit drinking. I'll definitely... probably quit it..." I then heard a sigh.

"No you won't."

"..." I couldn't refute that, but that's because of my goddamned headache. "Ugh, the light... hurts... and my head hurts... and my stomach feels dead..." I complained. [name] put her hand on my back.

"Yeah, and now you're pride will too." She said. I peeked out from the darkness of the blanket as [name] put a video on her phone.

"Bloody hell..." I said, feeling sick as a dog. It was a video of me ranting in french, that bloody frog's bloody language.

"I want to go die..." I said. [name] shook her head.

"No, I won't let you, instead, I vote you lessen your drinking since you and I both know you can't quit." She said.

"..." I couldn't help but stay silent because I still couldn't bloody refute her and it now felt like my bloody headache got worse.


"Aiya! I smell terrible, aru!" I yelled as I hurried to the bathroom, [name] following behind with a towel and extra soap.

"Yeah, but this is definitely an improvement as compared to last night Yao." [name] said. I was already lathering shampoo into my hair.

"What happened last night, aru?" I asked as I furiously scrubbed.

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