You Take A Shower/Bath Together

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"Hey dudette."

"Yeah Alfie?"

"Think fast!" Before you could even react, a bunch of bubbles had been thrown, hitting you square on in the face. You wiped the bubbles off as you heard your happy boyfriend laughing.

"Oh, you think that was funny, huh, well how do you like this!" You said as you threw a large amount of bubbles at him. You began laughing at your bubble-covered boyfriend.

He wasn't going to take this sitting down. You two spent the rest of the bath having an all out bubble war.


It is widely acknowledged that it would be rather ungentlemanly to for a man to take a shower with a lady, at least according to the Arthur you know. So what made him want to take a shower with you?

Simple answer: a potion blew up on you two, making you both pretty sticky.

"Is it out yet?" You whined. You could tell Arthur was blushing, even with your back turned to him.

"N-not quite y-yet love." He said nervously as he tried to comb out the last of the sticky goo from your hair. A few minutes later he said,

"Done," You cheered, you were both clean now. "I-I'll just g-get out n-now love." He blushed as he tried to make his way out of the shower, only to be stopped by you.

"Please stay." You said, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. He eventually relented and re-joined you under the shower, with you hugging him around the waist, making the blush worse.


You both sat back to back in the bath, both blushing like crazy over the fact you were both in the nude. He turned to you while saying,

"[name], maybe we should-" He stopped when he saw you blushing. He immediately pounced on you, engulfing you in a hug.

"Aiya! You are so cute, aru!" He said, rubbing his cheek against yours. This made you giggle a bit as you raised a cute duck up to his face. Before he could even say how cute it was, you squeezed it, making it squirt water in his face.

"Aiya! How could something this cute do that, aru?!" He said, wiping the water from his face as you laughed. He looked at you and smiled, before splashing water at you.

You two then had plenty of fun with all the bath toys you both had.


You were leaning up against Ivan's chest as he held you close under the warm water in the shower.

"Ivan." You said.


"Could you pass me the soap?"

"Da," He said, grabbing the bottle of soap. You reached to grab it, but he pulled it away. You looked up at him, head tilted slightly.

"I will do it, da." He said. You blushed a bit as he began to gently wash your back and shoulders, while you hid your blushing face in his chest, making him chuckle a bit at the cuteness.

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