You Turn Into A Neko

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A/N: Sorry I didn't update sooner, school has been hectic lately and a lot of people are just going crazy.


"Sweet Catwoman costume dudette!" Was the first thing to come out of Alfred's mouth when he saw your ears and tail. You shook your head and said,

"It's no costume Alfie. I think whatever caused you to become a cat got passed on to me." He blinked for a moment before bursting out laughing. He then stuck his hero pose while saying,

"Have no fear, the HERO IS HERE!" He then carried you bridal style over to the couch, put a blanket over you, and placed hamburger on your head.

"Stay here dudette and let the magical healing powers of the hamburger fix you up while I go seek out the villain responsible for this!" He laughed and ran out of the house before you could even protest. After a few moments you got up and called Arthur, asking if this condition was permanent. Thankfully, it wasn't.


You carefully stalked up behind your unsuspecting prey, better known as Arthur. Once you were directly upon him, you jumped up over the couch and onto his lap.

"What the bloody- Oh, it's only you love." You cuddled up into his chest and looked up at him, ears flattening. You pushed his book away with your tail and said,

"Iggy~ Cuddle me~" He chuckled a bit at your cute cat-likeness. He scratched you behind the ears, causing you to purr.

"Alright love." With that, you spent a good amount of time being petted and scratched by Arthur, who really seemed to enjoy you acting like a cat.


"[name], I have something for you, aru~" You walked over to Yao who had a bag with him.

"What's in the bag Yao?" He smiled and said,

"Something you'll like~" He then opened it up to reveal one of those cat toys that had a feather or attached at the end of a string at the end of a stick.

He began to shake the toy, causing you to try and go after it like a cat. While you were playing, Yao was careful to take a lot of pictures and video tape the entire cute cat display.


Truth be told, you were trying to avoid Ivan at the moment; why? Simple; your ears and tail. It's not that you were worried he would react badly, it's that you didn't really want to spend the day sitting on his lap as he petted you, especially on the tail. You found out quickly that it was very sensitive part.

So here you are at home, doors and windows locked, phone off, and the lights off. You were hiding under your bed with a flashlight and a few books when suddenly you heard the sound of knocks.

You turned the flashlight off and stayed as quiet as possible. You listened as it sounded like your front door was forcibly opened, followed by someone making their way upstairs, and forcing the bedroom door open.

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