1 Demon, 2 Demon, Red Demon, Blue Demon

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A/N:  So guess who got sick with a cold? Me. But I still took the time to write these. And beside the name of each guy I'll have the type of demon plus a small description and a link to what you the reader look like (which is important to the story).  If you don't want to have to deal with typing in the urls, then please go to this website below, which is my Quotev account with the links to the pictures in the story (just click the blue words):


Also, I decided to do a sort of "Underworld Saga", where you all are, you guessed it, in hell. It's going to be multi-part (not sure how many) but at least 2 parts.

So this chapter will be told from the normal point of view with a sort of you guys all adjusting to being down in the underworld, and the next one will be told from his point of view of the whole situation. After that... I'm still thinking, but it'll probably be funny. Enjoy~

Also, I would like people to take the time to please appreciate the amount of work I put into this chapter, from finding the pictures, to researching each guy's individual cultural/historical mythological creatures/demons, and then taking the time to incorporate them into a story because, I will not beat around the bush, it was pretty time-consuming.


Why? Why? Why? Why do you all keep accepting Vlad's (aka Romania's) help when it doesn't help?

Oh yeah, because Author-chan said so and because every other country who knows magic doesn't want to have to lift a finger to change a situation that they are either involved in or have no connection to.

So anyway, the most recent "cure" did cure him of being a werewolf, but now, he's a demon from the fiery pits of hell, where you both are right now. Now what will you two do, especially since you are changing too?

America (Archdemon - An upper level demon in the infernal hierarchy)  (http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/27c45e9bd0559fe623a1cb7b027574ab/http://i668.photobucket.com/albums/vv44/KamariKaori/Anime/Girls/YoungDemonGirl.jpg)

"... Alfred, how did I get not only on your lap but in this outfit?" You asked, looking down at the outfit  you found yourself in. Sure it was cute looking and even had holes for the two pairs of wings and tail you grew, but still, you were curious.

"Magic dudette, and I wanted my future queen of hell to be by my side." He said, his blue eyes glowing with magic. You sighed and leaned back into his chest as you looked at the huge gaudy gothic style throne room.

"So you really are going to try and become king Alfie?" You asked, looking up at him. "Because you know that right now it's pretty likely that one of the others who probably came here to or even Vlad are busy trying to find a way to get us all back to normal and home."

"Yep, I know, but while I have the time I might as well be the hero and try to straighten things out while here." He said, his old sparkle coming back to his eyes. You sighed.

"Some things never change do they..." You mumbled under your breathe. You then looked up at Alfred and patted his chest.

"Good luck with that plan Alfred, you're gonna need it." You said, getting up to head off somewhere else. Alfred pouted and followed you.

"Aww come on [name]! Let me be a hero!" He said, sounding like a child. You sighed.

"Just don't get yourself killed or eaten or worse Alfred." You said.

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