The Haunting...

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A/N:  Sorry everyone for the late release of these chapters.  I had the worst week of Halloween ever; I spent the entire week studying for and taking exams, spending my Halloween night in a review session/study group (and the exam I took the next day was awful).

Anyways, I hope everyone had a happier Halloween than me (pretty sure most people did) and enjoy our final 3 chapters of the silverthornes's annual Monster Bash!

Requested by @BrightBlue6 & Amara & ANIME & 107 Lover


"Remind me again why we are going into this house, aru?"  China asked, making England snort.

"Because America is too chicken to go in."  He said.

"A-am not!"  America said.

"So why do you want to go in?"  Finland asked.

"Cause we - zhe awezome trio members Denmark and zhe awezome Prussia - dared him to!"  Prussia said, putting his arm around a laughing Denmark.

"Yeah, we triple-dog dared him to go in this supposedly haunted house!"  Denmark said as he and Prussia went back to snickering.

"Then why you bother rest of us?"  Russia asked, a dark aura emanating from him as he held his metal pipe.

"B-because,"  America said.  "I... ugh... I have to show you how much of a Hero I am!  Yeah!  That's it!"  He said.

"America... jou are such a..."  Germany just groaned as Italy clung to him.  "Fine, let's just go and get zhis over vith since zhere are no such zhings as ghosts."

With that, Germany led the group into the rundown house.

"See?  Zhere is nothing here."  Germany said.

"Mmm... G'rm'ny 's r'ght [Germany is right],"  Sweden said gazing around the house.

"Yeah, it's-a just a stupido run-a down house."  Lovino said.

"WhAt DiD yOu JuSt SaY?!"  Serveral creepy voices said as the building seemed to shake.

The countries watched as white wisps flew into the room.

"YoU tHiNk YoU hAvE a BeTtEr HoUsE?!"  The voices said.  "ThEn PrOvE iT!"

And that's how the countries started getting haunted by various ghosts.

Let's see how that's going!


You were floating about the house when Alfred arrived back and called you out.

"What's up?"  You asked, popping through a wall, spooking Alfred.  But he was quick to try and regain his composure.

"H-ha ha, you won't be spooking me any more,"  Alfred declared, pointing his finger at you.  He then reached a hand into his coat and pulled out a clove of garlic, shoving it in front of your face.

"Begone ghost!"  He declared, making you quirk your eyebrow up.

"What the heck are you trying to do?"  You asked.

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