Prepping For The Holidays

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A/N:  Great way to start the New Year [note sarcasm], by having your laptop get a virus attack and having to take it to be repaired, which took 2 weeks, and then finding out that some of my backup files with the scenarios for the characters were either messed up in some way or were mostly deleted. So sorry if some of these seem rushed or weren't quite clear, because I really had to redo a lot of these (especially for Japan) from memory (which sucks to begin with) and see how much of my backup files could be saved/salvaged.

Sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas (I only do because my brother is Catholic and I like getting presents), but I don't know much about Hanukkah and Kwanzaa (hope I spelled those two right) to feel confident enough to do either of them, so I'm sticking with Christmas. Enjoy~


"How about this one dudette?" Alfred asked, standing beside a huge Christmas tree. You shook your head.

"It's too tall Alfie." You said. He looked at you, then up at the tree, and back to you.

"You sure dudette? It looks fine to me." He said. You sighed.

"Alfred, this tree is 10 ft tall, our ceiling is 8 and ½ feet tall. This tree is too tall." You said, walking onto another tree as Alfred trailed behind you, pointing at other surrounding trees.

"This one?"

"Too short Alfred." You said. He then pointed to another one.

"How about that one dudette?" He asked.

"It's all open right now, by the time Christmas comes all the decorations will have fallen and we'll be left with a droopy looking tree." You said. He pouted and kept going, even pointing out the same tree twice to see if you noticed.

"Alfred, I already said no to that one, now come on." You said, getting a bit annoyed. But even though buying the right tree was a pain, it was a necessary one.

"How about this beauty?" Alfred said. You spun around and looked before sighing.

"Alfred, this is the third time I've said no to that tree."


You had just finished putting the wreath on the door and stepped inside the house when you caught Arthur mumbling to himself.

"-goes here maybe? ... No, now that made it bloody worse. How about this goes through here and back around there... Argh!"

"Arthur?" You called from the next room. "Is everything okay in there?" You asked. You heard shuffling and curses being muttered.

"I'm fine - gah! - love!" He said. "Just having a spot of - oof! - trouble with the l-lights!" He said.

"Do you want me to help?" You asked, heading towards the living room.

"Yes - I mean no, no I'm - bloody hell! - fine love!" He called back, though at this point you didn't really believe him. So you walked into the living room and immediately had to cover your mouth.

Arthur was on the ground, practically tied up in Christmas lights which instead untangling them, he ended up getting tangled in them.

"Love," He said looking up at you, a blush forming on his face. You giggled and waved your hand, using your magic to free Arthur and untangle the lights, leaving them in a pile next to him.

"You're welcome, now back to work Iggy~" You said, bouncing out of the room to go laugh somewhere where Arthur won't hear you as Arthur grumbled.

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