Super Special!

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A/N:   Now... for the moment we have all been waiting for... It's time for our special!
 Also, this is from mostly told by your view but you will see his thoughts written like this for the sake of seeing how he's feeling before he does anything~


After that horrible and realistic nightmare he had, he realized something important; He can't imagine spending his life without you.

And as we all know, what's the best way to make sure the person you love will always be with you? Well?

As Beyonce said in her song, "if you liked it, then you should put a ring on it."


You two were at the movies, just trying to find your seats while balancing all the food.

'Ugh, this is so nerve wracking!'  Alfred thought to himself.

You two soon found your seats and sat down, you noticing that Alfred seemed to be twitching and fidgeting about like crazy.  Half way through the movie, the screen went blank and Alfred had mysteriously vanished.

As you and the other movie goers started to complain the screen went back on, but this time it was Alfred on the screen.  He cleared his throat and started speaking,

"[name]?"  You raised an eyebrow.  "... well I just wanted to let you know that you are the best person in this hero's life and... well dudette, I wanted to tell you I love you!  I love you so much, from the way you smile to the way you always laugh at my jokes, even when they aren't that good, and then you are always up for hanging out and having fun... I love it all!"  You felt your heart melting.  Soon the real Alfred stood in front of you and held your hands, and in sync with the screen he said,

"Dudette, I can't imagine being Superman without having my Lois Lane, so,"  He got down on one knee and held up a beautiful red-white-and-blue diamond ring,  "Will you marry me?"  You felt tears coming down your face as you lunged forward and wrapped your arms around him.

"Yes!  Yes!  A big super yes!"  You yelled.  The whole movie theater was clapping and whistling as you two broke apart and Alfred put the ring on your finger and carried you out bridal style.


'Bloody- okay Arthur, breathe, just breathe for a moment... You can do this, you're the Bloody British Empire!  You can do any goddamn thing you bloody want!'

You two were walking over to the library you two had first met when you noticed Arthur seemed nervous about something.  But you just brushed it off as something to do with one of the other nations.

Once you two had arrived at the library you two went off to different sections.  You soon found yourself in one of your favorite sections.  Just as you were about to reach for a book, it flew off the shelf along with the other books.

'What in the world is going on?'  You thought.

Soon, a tornado of books and papers surrounded you and were whirling and changing colors.  It was quite beautiful to watch as papers changed into things like origami and even large paper figures.  Eventually all the papers and images came together to form a single message;

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