Start from the beginning

"This won't get to me," I said as I headed towards the mat, "I'll get better at this. Now for the sit ups."

By the time I finished my training session, it was already seven o'clock. I was able to do a few sit ups but pull ups and push-ups were a different conversation. As well as training, I had to change my diet to lose the weight I had gained in the coma, the easiest way wasn't through exercise. I had to stop eating junk food and more filling things, the only problem? There wasn't much to eat apart from tinned food. This ultimately led me to deciding to eat less than normal.

I made my way to the main lounge where near the entrance, Georgie was eating some porridge before pulling a face in disgust at the taste of it. She had finally changed her clothes, instead of wearing a dress, she wore one of my tops that I had got from Adam one night when I had no clothes that fit me. My heart clenched at the thought of him again. When I stopped thinking about him, I looked at Georgie and I felt the same way. She shouldn't have to live this way.

Instead of eating my food, I put it in a reusable bowl and left it on the table next to her. She smiled as she looked up at me, eager as she placed her porridge on the side to eat some pot noodles. Eagle, Grant and Tracy were all in their own rooms. Tracy slept on the floor near the bookshelf, Grant was going to sleep on the sofa and Eagle joined him as he was fast asleep near the door. Probably in the fear of being trapped in a house fire again, I clenched my fists before thinking about how it must have felt to be in his place.

Georgie was going to sleep on the sofa opposite Grant. Once she tucked in, she smiled at the thought of how comfortable it was. We both said goodnight as I headed to my room, wondering if Georgie would be okay in there.

After I had changed and had a shower, I felt achy everywhere. I didn't raise my arms up or take a break for two hours so it explained the aches in my legs and my arms. Hoping into my bed, I used a torch instead of the lights because it would be easier to turn off.

It was half an hour later when Georgie entered my room quietly as if she was afraid to come in. So she looked at the floor when she stood next to me.

"I can't sleep..." She said before sniffling. She was crying.

I felt bad for not asking her before if she was okay with sleeping on her own. What happened to make her feel this way?

"What's going on, Georigie?" I muttered, trying to not to be half asleep.

"I had a nightmare."

"Come here." I said as I pulled her closer to me, "do you want to sleep here? With me? Will that make you feel better?" I said as I ran my fingers through her hair. I could barely see but I knew that she'd have her hair down.

I could feel her nodding as I let her go. She snuck into my bed and after a bit of rustling, I asked her what the nightmare was about. I never once expected that I would be comforting her sleep. I could feel a pang in my chest before smiling, I guess like Tracy I won't be having kids of my own. There's plenty more who need help and care because no one else will. Georgie is one of them.

"It was about Adam and my parents," She whispered as her voice broke, I wanted to cry with her but I had to be strong for her sake, "he died just like my parents, I was alone again."

Sighing, I stroked her cheek before wrapping my arm around her.

"It'll be okay, it'll be just fine, Georgie. Come on, let's try and sleep. We have a long day ahead." I muttered.

Georige nodded as she hugged me back, I knew she wouldn't be able to sleep that quickly. She continued to cry until I let her explain how her mum died because her dad abused her and stabbed her. Georgie then said that she was never abused by him but he got drunk all the time and got killed while gambling outside of the bar.

"So you want a mother- a step mom? Or a step-dad?" I asked, as I was stunned with my own curiosity.

"Yes- everyday." She muttered under her breath.

We didn't say much after that, I didn't want to give her too much hope that someone would adopt her but I wished that she would be able to be happy and healthy. She needs it and I want to help her. However, I was more than conflicted. I don't even know if I'll make it out alive. I can't make promises and break them anymore. I'm not making mistakes like I have before. I can't give a kid hope, I don't want her to feel sad about it not happening.

As forty-five minutes passed, she still wasn't asleep. Georige asked for me to tell her a story or sing a song. I decided to tell her about the good times I've had at the beach with Julie, the times my mother and I grew plants in the garden and lastly when me and Adam grew flowers when I remembered something. She listened to everything attentively.

Eventually, after singing a few songs to her from my childhood, we both drifted off to sleep in eachothers arms.

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