It's Only A Word - Part Five

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"How's that plan of yours going?" You smiled slightly mockingly. You hadn't seen your soulmate in over a month at this point, and seemingly nothing that could prove to you that just because they were soulmates it didn't mean they were forced to love each other. Nothing he could've done, anyway. There was no way you and Peter was part of his plan, that was just one of the most coincidental coincidences in history. Besides, why would Spider-Man "set you up" with someone that wasn't him?

"Great actually!" He exclaimed, stepping forward and you tilted your head confusedly. "That's actually what I came to talk to you about!" Then his excited pose faltered and he sank into himself a little, and you could feel fear appear in your gut that had to be his. "I, um, please don't get mad at me?" He asked tentatively and you sighed, not noticing his hands slowly rising towards his face.

"Get mad because of what?" You shrugged and Spider-Man stopped moving. "I don't know about you, but I don't think whatever plan you had, worked. And actually, I need to talk to you."

"W-what?" The white eyes on his mask blinked and you began to explain.

"I-I met someone." You felt a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as your mind drifted to Peter. "I know it's crazy, but I really like him. A lot." You felt Spider-Man staring at you as you kept talking. "It was like a sign in itself, I guess I could say. It's really weird, considering when it happened, so soon after I met you, but at the same time it couldn't have been a better time, because this, what I have with Peter, it's exactly what I was looking for." But then the smile that made it's way onto your face dropped. "I just hope he understands." You said quietly.

"Understands?" You turned your head to face the mask. "Understand what?" It puzzled you about why he seemed so confused, but then again, about almost everything puzzled you at this point.

"I think you should know about this too," you sighed, motioning for Spider-Man to come closer so you wouldn't have to speak so loudly. "I'm going to tell Peter. About you, I mean."


"He's never really asked," you started. "But he deserves to know that I already met my soulmate. Met you." You glanced at him. "Actually," you frowned. "I don't think we've ever talked about our soulmates at all." You shook your head, dismissing the thought. "It's just, he hasn't met his yet, and I just want him to know that when he does, it is okay for him to leave."

"L-leave? What? No!" You were taken aback by the sudden eruption of his tone.

"Well, when he finds his soulmate, most people do, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone not, I don't want him to feel bad. I want him to know that if he wants to be with her- or even him, who knows- that he can do that. Because- because I don't want to be in this for the long run without clarifying what his plans are exactly. I don't know if this is just something to help with the wait for him- although Peter doesn't seem like the kind of person to do that, or he truly feels the same way I do."

There was a small moment of silence before Spider-Man spoke hesitantly. "And how do you feel?"

"Honestly?" You smiled, your eyes meeting the whites on his mask. "Like he was my unwritten soulmate." You answered truthfully, your smile turning into a sad one. "I just really want to figure everything out before I let myself completely fall for him, because I already did. I-I don't want to tell him yet, gods no, it's way too soon, but if this lasts and we stay together..." you softly shook your head as you trailed off, letting out a breath of disbelief before looking back up. "I'm in love with him. There's no doubt about that."

"Oh wow," You could basically hear the smile in his voice. But then, he took a step back and the fear in your stomach worsened, the feeling almost sickening.

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