The "Group Retreat"

Start from the beginning

"And he won't worry if you go missing? The rest of the team?" Peter questioned, a bit of annoyance in his tone.

"You see, I'll be with the rest of the team, I'll be safe even though I could hold my own."

"Right. Safety in numbers. So let me go with you!"

"Hm," you scrunched up your nose like you were thinking about it. "No." Peter's face dropped. "Heimdall only knows what would happen if you get one teensy little mosquito bite on that flawless skin of yours and Tony notices, so how about you find something to do? You're smart, go mess with some of Tony's tech." You saw Peter glare at you out of the corner of your eye for a brief second before his eyes lit up, barely noticeably, and he turned around and plopped in the corner of the couch, turning on a StarkPad that was next to him.

"You could've been a little nicer to the kid," Steve started and you rolled your eyes as you turned towards him. "We all know you don't get along, but considering we're not going anywhere, that wasn't necessary."

"Steve," you groaned, pretending to force yourself to walk to him, and leaning over his chair, dropping your head right next to his behind him. "Stevie, Captain America, Cap, the Star-Spangled Man With A—"

"All right, just get to your point Y/N," Steve said flatly, ignoring the chuckles coming from Natasha, Sam and Bucky.

"My point is, if Tony's going obsess over one little blip in the screen that could potentially look irregular but is really just a normal glitch because he has the cameras on all the time," you took a breath because you'd just spit that all out in one. "Let him obsess, but we don't deserve to suffer in wait."

"What can you do if we go out camping that you can't do here?" Steve asked.

"Be surrounded by nature," Natasha shrugged.

"Get clean air," Sam added.

"See the stars," Bucky continued, and you saw Steve's face soften, a face you don't see too often but when you do it's golden.

"It'll be fun man, come on! You can bring your book, although any one of us could tell you about Dracula, it's a classic." You took his bookmark and slotted it between the pages. "I'll bring Wanda's guitar and we can sing around the campfire, make s'mores, and fish and go swimming! Just call it a group retreat if it helps you sleep better."

"Even if I said yes," you started to smile triumphantly. "How would we leave without Tony knowing? He wants us to stay here in case somethings wrong."

"Uh—" You started, but were cut of by Peter.

"I just looped the cameras here, in the bedroom halls, and the first floor to show footage from ten minutes ago when we were doing nothing so anything we do won't be seen by Mr. Stark if he checks. I muted F.R.I.D.A.Y. too, so she didn't hear anything except Cap standing his ground and she won't hear any of this either. So, I think we should go now before it gets dark and there's more of a chance for him to look over and see sunlight on the cameras when it's nighttime." Peter grinned, dropping the StarkPad and reveling in the rooms awed faces.

"Way to go, Baby Spider!" Sam whooped, clapping his hands and standing up. "You heard the kid, let's get going people!"

"Seriously?" You groaned, but then sighed, forcing yourself to meet Peter's eyes, where, under your gaze, his smile faltered a little and his expression changed to look like he was looking for something.

"I just want to go with you guys," Peter said softly, eyes on you as he spoke.

"Whatever." You shook your head, taking a deep breath. "Thanks Web-Head." You mumbled, paying no attention to the grin on Peter's face and turning to everyone else, the people still sitting now standing up. "Only pack the necessities: clothes, including a bathing suit, sleeping bags and a tent or two if we have them. I got the food and stuff handled. We need to move quickly, so no distractions." You cleared your throat, the people that last comment was directed to knowing who they were, and everyone dispersed to gather the things they needed. "Oh! And don't bring any electronics! Keep our phones, in case something happens, but I don't want to see anyone on them for longer than five minutes, got it?"

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