Once it was lunchtime, the AI stepped away from the studio and went into the kitchen. Jungkook took a deep breath.

Do you know that you are all over TV? There are people looking for you...I'm surprised that no one's snatched you off the streets yet...you have to tell me, though. How exactly have you made it this far? You don't miss the Roulettes? I thought they were taking wonderful care of you.

Jungkook held his forehead. "What on earth was he talking about...and the Roulettes...I'm always hearing this name..."

A sudden trigger in Jungkook's memory bank caused him to wince.



The poor AI groaned.

It actually surprised him. He's never groaned from frustration before. The constant mystery of this special name, and the unexpected coincidence of meeting a famous scientist was too much for Jungkook to ignore.

"He's right about one thing though..."

I do need to be more careful.


Jungkook turns his head to see Aisha walking towards him. "You came a bit late, today. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah..." Jungkook looks at his cup. "I was buying something for my m—" The AI caught himself. "My, my..."

"Your little sister?" Aisha finished with a chuckle.

Jungkook laughed. "...yeah, my little sister."

"That's cute," Aisha smiled, taking a seat next to him. "What did you get her?"

"Just, uh...a new phone."

"Wow, really? That's wonderful!" Aisha claps her hands with excitement. "I'm sure she's absolutely excited."

"Yeah, it's actually her first phone. Hopefully she knows how to set it up. I told her I'd help her if anything, when I get back home."

"That's sweet of you..." Aisha beamed. "Say...Jungkook?"

Jungkook gave Aisha his undivided attention. "Yes, Aisha?"

The girl fiddled with her thumbs. "You know," She paused, almost unsure if she really wanted to speak. "I don't know if I should really say it, ah..."

"Just tell me," Jungkook insisted. "Go on."

Aisha nodded. "Well..." She bit her lower lip anxiously, but let's go once she exhales. "...about that night...when we were walking together."


"Did you...like the gift?"

"You mean the bracelet? I believe Aurora loved—" The machine pauses.

The choker.

Jungkook took Aisha's hand. "Yes, the choker, of course! I am so sorry...I haven't worn it yet. There's just been so much going on and..."

"It's fine, Jungkook. I know you're a busy man. I just wanted to be sure that the gift wasn't too weird, or anything...I don't know what I would have done, honestly." Aisha giggled.

"Trust me, I do love it. And I'll put it on as soon as I get back home."

"No need to feel under pressure. I trust you, Jungkook."

The AI smiled. "...thank you."

Aisha nodded.

They both noticed they were still holding hands, and calmly separated, glancing at their lunches before them.

Aisha pushes her hair behind her ear. "So...what do you plan on doing after work?"

"Well, I didn't really plan much of anything. I'm just going to head home. Besides, my sister said she would be cooking today. She wants to impress me so badly, haha."

"Aww, that's cute. I bet she's an excellent cook."

"Well..." Jungkook rubs the back of his head. "I wouldn't say that..."

"What?" Aisha giggled. "I bet she's really good!"

"She's still learning, to be honest. Although it's a first for me, it's her very first time actually preparing a meal."

"Oh wow, I hope everything goes well. I'm sure she'll do good."

"I'm sure she will..." Glancing at the time on his phone, the AI stood up. "Well, lunch time is almost over. I'm surprised you aren't with your crew."

Aisha looked puzzled. "My crew?"

"Yeah, Ivory and the other girls."

"Yeah..." Aisha eyed the table in front of her. She wanted to be honest with Jungkook about how she's been feeling lately, but she was too scared. Aisha didn't even understand why she suddenly feared talking to the boy. "...I'm just trying to branch out...and not always spend time with them and stuff."

"I see." Jungkook glanced at her. "It's not a bad thing if you want to make more friends and explore. I'm honestly trying to do the same thing, too."

"Really?" She looks at Jungkook in wonder.

"...yeah, it's not really easy finding those who will understand you, you know? So much has been going on...and the way my life is right now, it's too complicated to explain to just anyone. Sometimes I wish I could get what I'm thinking off my chest to someone who would listen but not judge so easily. One of my biggest fears...is being judged."

"Really?" The girl got up in shock.

"Yeah...it's very weird. I really do care about what people think of me, and I get very scared when my...little sister is in between a mess that can hurt her emotionally. Right now, I'm just..." Jungkook stopped himself for speaking any further. "I shouldn't run my mouth about what's going on at home. She'd be really upset if she found out I've been talking to others about—"

Jungkook didn't realize that Aisha stepped in front of his face. "Jungkook," She began. "I'm here for you, no matter what. Whatever is on your mind, please, talk to me about it. I know I don't look like much, but...I am a very good listener, and I don't judge anyone. If you don't have a friend to talk to, then talk to me, even if you have to vent. But...that's only if you want to."

Thinking carefully, Jungkook breathed. "That's very kind of you, Aisha. I really do appreciate it. Maybe...I can talk to you about it another time? I need to gather my thoughts. Even on my way here I had a lot on my mind, I don't even know if I should even take what I heard seriously or—"

"Take my number." Aisha insisted. "Call me whenever you're free, just in case you need to talk.

"Oh..." Jungkook was caught off guard. He didn't know how to reject her offer. "...thank you." Giving Aisha his phone, the girl entered her number into his device and saved it.

"I know lunch is almost over, so right now isn't a good time to talk, right? Just call me whenever you need to, okay?" Aisha stared longingly into Jungkook's eyes. Her face flushed, her heart beating with excitement.

Jungkook... She thought. ...please, return my feelings.

Jungkook returned the stare, remaining quiet.

Tippy toeing, Aisha gave Jungkook a kiss on the cheek. "...I'll catch you later," Aisha tosses her trash in the garbage, hurrying out the kitchen.

Once she was gone, Jungkook glanced back to make sure she was gone. He exhaled heavily, giving away of his tense stature. "...why was I so nervous?"

Gathering his composure, Jungkook dumped his cup, leaving the kitchen. 

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