"Soup for three?" He said, holding up a paper bag in which you could only assume contained a thermos. "I mean, we might have to warm it up, but it's your favorite." He laughed as you playfully punched his shoulder before pulling him in, quickly shutting the door behind him.

"I told you not to come," You chastised although you couldn't couldn't complain about your boyfriend being there now.

"I distinctly remember you saying if I found a safe way here, I could," he countered, his voice filled with triumph.

"He got you there," Your mom spoke, and you looked at her with surprise filling your features, her just shrugging in response.

"Sarcasm. I was being sarcastic." You stated flatly, sending a glare in his direction, but the annoyance dissipated quickly, a smile replacing your frown when he quickly pressed his lips to yours before spinning into the kitchen, a grin on his face.

"It was a text, so you have no proof! Now go sit your cute butt down, dinner in five."

Forcing yourself to grumble to keep the act up although all you wanted to do was to let the dumbest smile onto your features, you sat back down next to your beaming mother.

"He's a keeper," She whispered in your direction, and you felt yourself blushing even though that wasn't the first time someone, especially her, has said that to you.

A ragged breath escaped your lips as the memory replayed vividly in front of your eyes, and you had to look away from the T.V., where the love interest of the movie had brought his own soup to the boy who's been pining over him for years during their own cold winter. Maybe those emotions were going to burst faster than you thought.


You hated tests.

They gave you too much time to think, when the one of the only reasons you could tolerate school was that it was a distraction from the outside world if you wanted it to be. The other reason being the time you get to spend with your friends.

Your mind and eyes drifted all over the place, from the kid in the back of the class who breathes too hard when concentrating to the trees moving slightly from the breeze outside. From the actual test in front of you, to your boyfriend of almost two years.


That was going to have to be a term you'd have to get used to, it having been so familiar to say. You closed your eyes and tried to clear your thoughts. You were always so easily distracted. Most of the time it was one of your worst qualities. This being one of the times.

You hadn't noticed you were bouncing your leg until a piece of paper skidded across your desk and you had to mentally tell your brain to stop moving. You glanced to M.J on your right before carefully opening the paper as to not make any noise. Her words were hastily scribbled on the page, and it simply read, remember to breathe.

You smiled and looked over at her before you picked up your pen and wrote back.

Can we eat in the library today?

You folded the paper back the way she had it, skillfully tossing it back like a ninja throwing star, and she caught it. When she opened it up and read what you wrote, she caught your eye and mouthed the words "Something wrong?" A frown appearing on her bored face.

"I need to talk to you." You mouthed back, quickly turning your head back to your paper when you saw out of the corner of your eye the teacher begin to turn his head. You could basically feel the confusion but also complete understanding coming off of M.J. like she already knew what was coming. You wouldn't be surprised if she did. The two of you have been friends for as long as you could remember, it was like you could read the other like an open book.

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