A Human

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Caroline was looking forward to spending the summer time with her two best Friends before their senior year starts. It was supposed to be a summer of the 3 amigo's hanging out and having fun hitting the beach and finally being able to going sight seeing in different towns around them but all that changed when Stefan joined their group. Its not that she didn't like the new transfer student, I mean it must of sucked for him to move schools in the middle of Junior year and start over in a new town but as soon as he got here things between him and Elena just hit it off fast.

One day they were friends then one week later and they were in a committed relationship, but as a best friend she all she cared about that her friend was happy and that he was treating her right. With that said as the summer break approached the summer plans began to change, Bonnie had told then awhile ago that her grams had wanted to take her to go and visit her cousin (twice removed or something) so they would be leaving after school, and Elena just told them at lunch today that Stefan is taking her on a romantic mini vacation out of town today after school as well and promise to make it up to her during winter break.

Caroline thought it was a bit weird that they were both leaving at the same time but didn't question it, because they were best friends and best friends don't keep secrets from each other, besides its not like they were leaving her alone she had her other close friends like Matt, Tyler and even Elena's lil brother Jeremy to keep her company during the last few weeks of school.

As the lunch bell rang they said there goodbyes and went to class, when she got to art class she notice a blonde she hasn't seen before and takes her seat. When class begins the teacher announces that theirs a new student, the other blonde then stands up and introduces herself as Rebekah Mikaelson, she looked similar to me with the blonde hair and blue eyes and body shape some as well but at the same time her blonde hair looked more icy blonde and her blue eyes looked a lil darker then mine, her body was a bit more fit them mine and to top it off she had a British accent.

She then takes her seat and spends the rest of period in silence. The final bell rang in her last class to end this long school day and as shes heading towards the field for cheer-leading tryouts she notice Rebekah is looking at the flyer she put up last week staying they need a fill in person for a few last games of this school year and that tryouts will be held today after school.

I walk up to her and say "You should come and try out it will be fun" Rebekah turns to me and looks at me for a second then answers "I don't believe I know what a cheerleader supposed to do" I slightly giggle at her response before I ask her "You didn't have cheer-leading back at your old school?" the look in her eyes were sad for a split second but before I could reply she said

"I was home schooled so I guess you can say no there wasn't any cheer-leading" I felt sorry for her so I knew I just had to make her the replacement even if she wasn't any good, I would help her outside of school if I needed to, I just wanted her to experience the whole school spirit thing. So I linked my arm in hers while looking at her with my biggest smile and told her "Lets see what you got"


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