"It's My Love Life" Part 3

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"winner takes me on a date" "what?" Tyler says shock while I nod my head "ok love" "Care you can't be serious?" "Serious bout what?" We turn around to see my sister "your brother and Tyler are gonna play a game of pool to see who gets a date with me" "ooo sounds interesting" she says with a mischif smile "it's settled then, when ever your ready Tyler" I tell him in a competitive way "I'm ready now"

after them setting up the game and Tyler going first because I let him, Tyler hits in about 3 balls then it was supposed to be my turn but Tyler missed his ball and I caught it from the corner of my but I was to busy talking with Caroline so I let him go again,  he hists all his balls in, he just needed the 8 ball but he hit the ball wrong and missed so now its my turn, right away I hit in all the balls with out really looking at the table, instead im looking up at Caroline when Im on the last one as well and I hit the 8 ball in and win the game

"well played Nick" "thank you Bekah" I says while looking at Caroline once again "rematch" we turn to look at Tyler who's looking at the table upset "what?" "I said rematch" "why I already won an amazing date" I see Caroline blush a bit "winner gets a kiss from her now" "What?! wait a min I'm.." "come on Care it's not like you haven't kissed anyone before" it looked like Caroline wanted to smack him across the face "that's no way to talk about a lady mate" I said angry at Tyler "you know what It's fine winner gets the kiss to then" Caroline says in a huff, but the look she gave me felt like she wanted me to win,

after another loss to me Tyler went to say something but then his phone started to ring so he said had to go but he'll see them at school tomorrow so I will be taking her home. "Guess I'm the best at pool in mystic falls now" I turn around and face the girls "no one likes a show off Nick, right Caroline?" We look at Caroline and I can tell she doesn't mean it "right" she says with a smile "well this show off just won a dinner with a beautiful girl" I say smiling at her, and I see her blush a bit "right will I'm gonna go grab a drink, Nick or Caroline do u want anything?" We both shook our head no and she turned to leave

"do you still want the kiss?" I turn back to look at her, of course I wanted the bloody kiss to but I didn't wanna force her "kiss? Oh right Tyler's rematch loss" I say stupidity "how about if dinner goes well tomorrow you give me one?" "Ok sounds right, if I enjoy it you get one if not well then you were a jerk" she said laughing and I gave a small chuckle, Rebekah came back drinking a coke "Nick those guys said forget it" "what guys?" "The ones who wanted to play for money, they seen you play and don't want to lose" "I would of went easy on them" I heard Caroline giggle at what I said

"right when every you girls are ready to go" "can we get some ice cream at the grill first?" I already knew why she wanted to go to the grill for, to see Matt but before I could tell her no Caroline caught on to her "yes ice cream does sound delicious right now, can we get some?" I look at like are you serious and they both say "please" with there best puppy dog eyes, Rebekah I can say no to caz I don't wanna see my baby sister flirt with the small town boy but Caroline I just can't she looks down right adorable "fine we'll got some ice cream"

"yay!" Then they hook arms and head to the door, on the bright side I can talk to Caroline some more, maybe see what's her favorite foods so I can make tomorrow special for her, I have no clue as to why I feel the need to impress a human but there's just thing bout her, or I just need to get close to her so she'll tell me more bout the doppelganger that's it it's all for the doppelganger and breaking my curse.

We get to the grill and head inside, I knew why she wanted ice cream she wanted to see Matt which is cute "I know why you wanted ice cream for" I whisper in her ear so Klaus doesn't hear "cause it's hot out" she told me "or you wanted to see a certain boy?" "Don't know what you talking bout" "sure you don't" I tell her "what are you two over there whispering about now?" I turn around to see Klaus smiling at us "nothing" I tell him "if you say so love"

it's probably a British thing to say love a lot but everytime says it to me I get a fuzzy inside, "hey guys, you grabbing another bite to eat?" Matt asks us "no Rebekah was craving something sweet and delicious, but we're also here for some ice cream" I tell him with a smile nd Rebekah looked slightly shocked I said it and embarrassed "ok cool, I'm almost off anyway since its not busy busy they asked if I wanted to leave early and I said Ya so I'll join you guys when I'm done" and then he hands us menus and takes us to a booth then leaves and Rebekah gets in on one side and Klaus on the other so I seat next to Klaus and Rebekah looks at me with an eyebrow raised "so Matt can seat next to you, I don't think Matt wants to seat next to him"

"whatever you say" she tells me with a mischievous smile "you don't mind do you?" I said to Klaus "not at all love" he said smiling at me "you sure? I can move so u can seat next to you sister" "no I'm fine right here next to you" he said smirking at me "ok" I said smiling back "guess I'm not the only one who wanted something sweet" Rebekah whispered "what was that?" "I said I don't know what I want to order?" I hear Klaus chucking "what are you ordering?"

"Mmm maybe vanilla or it could be chocolate, decisions decisions, chocolate wit sprinkles it is"

I could of sworn I heard Klaus say something but before I could ask him Rebekah said "well I'm gonna go to the restroom so order me a Sunday" "ok" so it's  just me and Klaus at the table.

Matt's gonna join us while we eat, so how do I talk to Caroline alone it's not like Matt will stay out of our conversation but I have a little time before he comes so I pay attention to what the girls are saying "Rebekah go to the restroom for a bit" I said in a hush voice cause I know she could hear me "well I'm gonna go to the restroom so order me a sunday"

"ok" Caroline told her, after a moment I say "so love what kinda of food do you fancy tomorrow?" "You don't mind if I pick?" "Course not love" she gave me a smile "Mmm let me think real quick k" she said laughing a bit, after a while she said "I don't know, what would you feel like eating?" "Have u tried Italian?" "Like pizza nd pasta?" "No love like you ever been to a real Italian restaurant?" "No, I've really never been outside of mystic falls really" she said kinda sad "never?" I ask her seriously

"Ya, I mean my mom's to busy working to take me herself and she doesn't like the idea of me out for alone" I made a mental note of that, I heard Rebekah saying "coming back Nick" from the restroom before she opened the door "so I'll pick you up after your cheer practice tomorrow" "why so early?" "So we can do something before dinner" "but I'll be in my cheer uniform" she blushed a but then continued "what should I wear?" "Leave that to me"

we look to see Rebekah seating back down "oh and don't worry I ordered our dessert while I was walking back and Matt said he'll be with us in another 10mins" "excellent" Caroline said more happily, hopefully it's cause of tomorrows events, only if tomorrow came sooner.

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