Getting Closer

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I told him everything, now he hasn't said anything for awhile and it worries me, we been walking in silence for a long time now and he hasn't even told me why he really kissed me yet...

"Kol knew?" "your not gonna...punish him are you?" "I was gonna put him back in his coffin that night, unless he told me the real reason for being in your house that night"

"I made him promise he wouldn't tell" "I can't believe he would rather be put away for another century then to brake a promise to you" he said looking at me

I was very confused, I thought he would have an angry expression on his face because Kol choose someone over him but his face expression was anything but anger "I bite Kol that day, let him suffer thru the night" "well I hope you apologize when you see him" I said rubbing my neck picturing him biting me, he looks over to me, a lil smirk playing on his lips and a thought crossed my mind as I looked away

"what?" he asked "would you ever.. bite me?" I said looking anywhere but him "No, I would never bite you without your consent" "hmmm" was all I said

"Look there's light up ahead" I turned to look and he was right, we walked into another tunnel, but this one was big and had separate tunnels to, the roof of the room was a Huge opening and the night sky was shining in the cave

It looks like the sun had just set because the sky wasn't that dark yet, you can just make out the nights stars

"Do you think the other's will come from the tunnels like us?" I say shinning my light around the tunnels "I don't know love" he then looked at a tunnel to the left and squinted his eyes "What is it?" "Shh love, I can't really see or hear"

I heard a scream, I grabbed his arm and looked around at the other tunnels to see if anything else is coming

I hear the scream louder and look back to the tunnel Klaus was looking at, I seen Hayley running out with blood running down the side of her head, where's Tyler?

I let go of Klaus and went to Hayley "where's Tyler?!" She was out of breath and shaking her head with tears coming down "where is he Hayley?!" I looked back to Klaus

"Please Klaus"  he looks like he wants to say no but then with a quick nod he's gone

"Klaus will bring him back, don't worry" I say well looking over her wounds "your gonna be fine"

She still remain quite, I was gonna ask her what happened but then Klaus was back with Tyler in his arms, he dropped him on the ground "Klaus!"

"Love I brought him back didn't I?" He said in a pissed off mood, I got up and went to Tyler "he's hurt and you drop him?" "He said something's back there that I didn't like your lucky I brought him at all"

"Caroline?" Tyler chocked out next to me, he brought one hand to my face "I'm right here Tyler" I say placing my hand over his and looking at him, he smiles

"I thought I never see you again" he's says smiling at me, I hear Klaus walk away with a growl,

Tyler's words touched my heart, but not in the way he wants them to, he cheated on me but what we had was good but it's in the past now, he's Hayley's problem now

He needs to be saying this to her "Tyler, Hayley was worried about you" I tell him and he just scrunches up his brows I didn't get to hear his response because Hayley pushed me aside throwing her arms around him "Tyler your ok"

I get up and walk towards Klaus, who's looking at all the tunnels, I put a hand on his arm and he looks at me, with a hard expression "thank you" I say with a small smile while squeezing his arm a bit, his expression lightens a bit and he gives me a small smile

 I drop my hand looking back to Tyler "what happened?" Hayley still cleaning his face with a rag as he swatted her hand away then spoke "we got shot at with arrows again then vampires jumped us" he finishes saying while getting up to stand "are they.." I looked to Klaus silently asking if there dead "Wouldn't wanna risk them coming after us now would we" as much as I didn't like it, he had a point "I'm glad both of you are alright, I just hope the others are doing ok as well" I say looking around the other tunnels they could possibly be down

"Don't fret love my siblings will make sure no harm comes to the others" Klaus says, I nod at his words, he was right, Elijah can handle anything that comes at his and Stefan's way, I pity the fool who tries to hurt Matt with Bekah around, same goes for anyone who tries to harm Bonnie with Kol trying to woo her, I let out a small laugh thinking of Bonnie saving Kol instead and Kol whining about it "something you like to share love" I looked at Klaus who was looking at me with a amusing smile "nope" I say while biting my lip trying to hold back my grin but I fail miserably  which cause him to let out a small chuckle 

I spun around looking at everyone "so what's the plan now?" "We could pick another tunnel and see if we run into the others or we wait right here in hopes it leads them here and hope nothing else comes from the tunnels" Tyler says pulling out  blood from his bag

"Well if it lead us and Tyler it should lead the others right?" "I don't know" he then looked up and then looked at Tyler who was drinking the bag fast

"Do you have your strength back?" He finished the bag "ya why?" He just smiled then put one arm around me "hold on love" "wait what?" I throw my arms around his neck and closed my eyes while putting my face in his chest

He chuckled "you can look love" I backed up a bit and seen we were in the forest "how did we?" I took a step back and he reached out and grabbed me "easy there sweetheart, we wouldn't  you falling to your death"

I looked back and see the huge hole in the floor I looked down and seen Tyler and Hayley "you jumped up hear?!" "Yes, though it would be better to be out of the caves"

"What if you guys turn into a wolf again?" I said scared just remembering "then you have nothing to fear because I will be right here" he said with open arms smirking

I relaxed a bit because I knew he was right, before I could say my come back we hear Tyler "Klaus! A lil help!" I turns around to see his hand barely hanging on "oh my gosh!"

Klaus was there to pull them up "I thought you had your strength back?" "I guess I didn't" "hmm I guess not" Klaus said mockingly, Tyler got up and went up to Klaus

"Ok ok guys, remember were in this together" I say stepping in between them "whatever what's the plan Care bear?" Tyler said smiling at me warm, I seen Hayley flinch on my nickname he called me "Tyler you can't call me that anymore and Klaus plan is to wait here for the others, better then being in a cave"

"So the forest with wolves is better?" Tyler scuffed "if you have a better one please do tell" Klaus said mocking him, Tyler glared at him while Klaus just smirked

"if we turn again what's to stop us from killing you?" Hayley said to me a lil to happily "I will protect her again" Klaus said beside me

"Ya you will become a wolf to so who's to stop you from killing her?" Tyler asked pissed getting in Klaus face once again

"If I remembered correctly I stopped you from killing her remember? I had to knock some since into both of you before you killed her and Stefan" Klaus growled back

I thought he didn't remember what happened?

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