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Elena's evil twin is leading us back thru the cave with 2 Vampires, one holding onto Elena and me to stop Jer from trying anything, while shes holding on to Caroline  "I don't know how you even found them but all of you are going back into a cell, then after Silas is done with you 3, me and Blondie are gonna go look for a certain hybrid"

they opened up a different cell then threw us all in, Katherine left shortly after that with the vampires "Bonnie I thought I told you not to leave the room" I turn around to see a guy I have never met before chained up and badly hurt

"I'm sorry I don't know you" I told him and he looked at me funny then said "I was talking to Bonnie not you" "I am..." "Sorry Alex her name is Bonnie, my name is Caroline..I said my name was Bonnie because I didn't know if you could be trusted"

"Fair enough but why didn't you stay in the room like I asked you to?" I looked at Caroline, while Jeremy went over to they and help him out of the chains "how do you know each other Care?"

"Alex here picked up my dead body and brought me back to his hidden tunnel room in these caves, he kinda took care of me"

Jeremy and Elena help ease him to the floor, he let out a grout when he relaxed on the floor

Caroline walked over to him and held out her wrist "do you want some blood to heal?" She asked and he nodded

"That's why Katherine thought you never died, your still in transition but then why once I touched her I knew what she was?" He finished taking some blood and Caroline wipe his mouth "Your a witch right?" I nodded "that's why you could tell"

"This is perfect Caroline your our trunk card, they don't even know your a vampire" I said happily, we have one up against them

"Well now that I'm a trunk card whats the plan?" "We can't escape outside again because you can't go out of the cave with out a daylight ring"

"Well need to find the others and come up with a plan" Elena said
"We're not leaving.." "no Bonnie she's right, if you go get help and if you have to steal Damon ring do it" Caroline said making eye contact with Elena for the last part

"He can't.." "no Caroline's right Damon can stay in the boat, we just need to borrow his ring and bring the others to help out if more show up" Jeremy said

"Jeremy you can't be serious?" "I am Elena, Alex will you come back to the ship and leave with us?" "I can't leave the island, I'm here to make sure no one wakes Silas"

"We just want the cure for me, I'm the doppelganger and I.." "I'm sorry but the only way to get it is to wake up Silas and I can't let you leash him on earth" Alex said with a serious expression on his face

"You want us to just leave you here?" Caroline said to Alex, he gave her a small smile and nod

"unacceptable I can't leave knowing you could be killed" Caroline said getting angry "I'm one of the chosen ones to be put on the island to watch over him, I can't leave"

"That's bullshit" Caroline said getting worked up but then she stopped "what is it?" "I hear her, she's coming with other people"

"It's to late to run now" Elena in a hush tone "well take me them out"
"Bonnie how are we supposed to.." "easy, I'm a witch Jer and Alex is a Hunter and your a you know, when she takes us 3 you wait listen for us then you brake out and follow us"

"Then what we ambush them?" "Yes, we have no other choice" I said hushed tone" Caroline held up her finger to her lips "there here" she mouth

"Sorry to keep you all waiting, I mean who doesn't wanna get this death over with" Katherine said with a beaming smile

"Now you 4 come along now" wait four? "I thought you just needed us 3 to..." "Yes I do but I don't wanna let this precious pawn out of my site, I mean where am I gonna fine another one of her to use against him, now come along we have so much to do"

The lady next to her started to chant something, "oh don't mind her, she just blocked your magic for a bit, wouldn't want you trying to escape now would we"

I was running  on all fours, I needed to find her, my Caroline was alive, but that means she was a vampire,

I left Tyler back there with the near dead Hunter and an injured Hayley, I had other important matters to attend to, my mind was only focus on only one thing, I almost missed it when Stefan called out my name

I stopped in my tracks and seen him standing next to Damon "Klaus?" He asked, there stance said there ready to run if it isn't Klaus, or there just reading to run period

I let out a howl to try and tell them to follow me, then continue to run, they did ended up listening and was running behind me, Damon stayed a lil ways back while Stefan was almost to my side

"You know I won't hold it against you if you killed Tyler or Hayley" he spoke, then stopped talking when he realized he wasn't getting an answer from me 

We ran into my siblings and Matt, how was he even alive at this point astonished me, I started to shift back and Elijah throw me some clothes

"Caroline's alive and I'm going to find her" there was a lot of confusion among there faces "she is my mate, I felt her come alive, she died with someones blood in her system" I looked around the group as I put on my shirt

"Mine...." Stefan said, I looked at him so Caroline has his blood flowing thru her, hopefully there isn't a sire bond effect to it "Caroline a vampire" Matt said a lil stunned "What about Elena and the cure..." Damon started to say

"My main concern is Caroline" I growled at him "we can't let them wake Silas up" I glared at Stefan "your the only one who knows where to fine him" he said holding his ground

"I'll point you in the right direction then that's it, I'm off to find Caroline" "that's fair enough" he said

"Rebekah and Kol, take Matt back to the boat and wait for us there" "no I'm going to go find Caroline with you, then go and find Bonnie.." "you will do as I say!"

"Nik I can go by myself" I looked at her to argue but then she cut in again "your wasting time, Elijah and Kol will help you find Caroline now go" she took Matt and flashed off

I looked back at the lil group "keep up" I growled then flashed off in the direction

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