"It's My Love Life" part 1

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As the school bells rings to end another school day I see Bekah by the lockers so I head over to her "you did really great today Bekah, it looks like your not even tired, are you sure you never been a cheerleader before?" I tell her a bit tried myself

"nope never have been but I have 4 older brothers to keep up with so I am pretty in shape thanks to them" "what's it like having siblings?" "For the 100th time it's Horrible most of the times especially if your the only girl, brothers can be a tad bit over protected but that's how you know they care" she paused then said

"Be glad you didn't have to deal with my siblings" "Being an only child was lonely at times but luckily I had two best friends, so I never felt to alone" "that's nice to have friends willing to be with you" she said with a sad smile

I notice she seemed a bit sadder after saying that and before I can ask her about her it Tyler pops up next to us and throws his arm over my shoulder "hey Care, hey Bekah, I seen some of your new routine and I like what I seen so far" "Thanks, Caroline is a really good captain" Bekah says to Tyler "she's just saying that but Rebekah here is a fast learner"

"always doubting your skills Care, oh Bekah Matt was looking for you a min ago" "really? What for?" Bekah looks so excited to hear Matt was looking for her "I don't know what for but I seen him heading towards the parking lot you might catch him before he leaves" and with that she's practically running to the parking lot yelling over her shoulder

"bye Tyler see you tomorrow and Caroline I'll be waiting in the parking lot!" "hey Care you heading home now?" "Yup, Rebekah is my ride and she just left me for Matt" I tell him while laughing, he drops his arm from me as we're heading towards the parking lot and we spot Matt talking with Rebekah when we're a few feet away when Tyler stops me

"hey um Care" "Ya?" "Do u wanna go and grab dinner with me? I mean I figured you worked up an appetite so..." Tyler was acting all shy towards me now it was cute, I never looked at Tyler as more then friends but then again

I really never thought of anybody like that due to my busy school life but Tyler is a great guy "Ya I am kinda hungry actually" I say smiling to him "great um where ever you wanna go to eat is fine by me, my treat" "thanks and how about the pizza place again?"

"Ya sounds great I'll drive us there" "ok but let me tell Rebekah that I'll be going with you instead of her" "ok I'll wait for you by my car" he says smiling then heading towards his car , I turn around to see Matt already driving out of the parking lot and I see Rebekah sitting in her Klaus's car so I start to head over there once I get close enough I tell Rebekah

"hey change of plans Tyler um asked me to um grab a bite with him so I'm gonna go with him" I see Klaus grip the steering wheel tight he's probably upset that Practice ran late and now I kept them waiting and I'm not even going with them, "so it's true then the star quarterback always gets with the head cheerleaders?" She tells me laughing and I laugh with her

"no, if that was the case Matt and me would of dated, he was our quarterback until Tyler decided to join the team, he was better then Matt by a lil bit so they made him it" "really I never knew that" Rebekah looked like she felt bad for Matt "oh don't worry Matt never wanted to be it, it was to much pressure for him"

"so Caroline's not coming with us can we go home now, you two can catch up tomorrow" klaus sounded kinda mad "oh Ya I'm sorry for holding you up, um see u tomorrow Bekah"

I say while backing up so they can leave, I head towards Tyler's car and he's nice enough to open the door for me I smile at him but the sound of a car burning rubber made us turn around and we see Klaus speeding off

"whoa he's got a nice car to be doing that in, just hope you mom doesn't pull him over in that baby for speeding" I totally forgot that my mom's the sheriff for a split second, hopefully Klaus never meet's my mom while he's breaking the law.

I'm guessing practice is running a bit late, and I'm only saying this because I've been sitting in the parking lot for more then 20mins but it's ok I tell myself I'll be taking Caroline home today so I at least get to enjoy her company for a while,

I wonder if she's wearing her cheerleaders outfit again, I say to myself while smiling, I heard a truck alarm go off and I look to see who it is, Matt the bus boy I don't understand what Caroline or my sister see in him he's just an average boy I say while looking away, but why do I care what she thinks of him, besides she said she wouldn't date him anyways,

"hey Matt" I look back to see Rebekah talking to Matt, I pay no attention to what there talking about because I'm to busy looking for Caroline, there on the same team shouldn't she be with her and as if on cue Caroline and the other boy turn the corner and are walking in the parking lot, while all of a sudden Tyler stops Caroline and asks her something,

I listen to what the boy is saying to her "hey um Care" "Ya?" "Do u wanna go and grab dinner with me? I figured you worked up an appetite so..." He's asking her out for dinner, I see Caroline's face she's debating on what to tell him, maybe shes trying to let him down softly? Such a sweet Caroline, I say smiling

"Ya I am kinda hungry actually" and the smile falls from my face "great um where ever you wanna go to eat is fine by me, my treat" such a gentleman he is I say rolling my eyes "thanks and how about the pizza place again?" "Nick how long have you been waiting?" Rebekah asked me while getting in the car

"Hush Bekah" I turn my attention back to Caroline "Ya sounds great I'll drive us there" "ok but let me tell Rebekah that I'll be going with you instead of her" "ok I'll wait for you by my car" she then turns and starts heading towards our way, once she gets close enough she says

"hey change of plans Tyler um asked me to grab a bite with him so I'm gonna go with him" Tyler is the boys name with out realizing it I grip the steering wheel tight, "so it's true then the star quarterback always gets with the head cheerleaders?" Typical high school scenario "no, if that was the case Matt and me would of dated, he was our quarterback until Tyler decided to join the team, he was better then Matt by a lil bit so they made him it"

"really I never knew that" "oh don't worry Matt never wanted to be it, it was to much pressure for him" I've heard enough bout those two boys

"so Caroline's not coming with us can we go home now you two can catch up tomorrow" I say angrily "oh Ya I'm sorry for holding you up, um see u tomorrow Bekah" she says while backing away and heads towards Tyler's car, I then start to drive off the parking lot

but not before I look one last time in the review mirror and I see the boy open the door for for her and shes smiling at him, I hit the gas hard and speed off so I don't have to look at them anymore

"Whoa Nick slow down I know we can't die in a car accident but I don't wanna get blood on my uniform" I look over at him and he's griping the wheel a lil to hard "Nick is everything ok?" "Yes Bekah everything is fine" he says there greed teeth

"Is Elijah already getting on your nerves?" I say playfully "Truth be told I haven't see Elijah all day now that you mention it" he said with a bit of concern "then what's got you so upset if it isn't Elijah?" "I'm not upset" "whatever, I'm hungry for blood and I want a decent meal but first I like to go home and shower"

I look at him again and it looks like he's deep in thought "would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" He starts to smile "I know the perfect place to grab a bit to eat" he says smirking


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