I'm not even that special

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I was so distracted with kissing her I didn't even hear him coming till it was almost to late, I held her close to me under the bed as I heard him walk around the room then once he went into the bathroom I flashed us out of there, I stop once we reach the other side of the motel "Caroline love I need you to run" she looks at me and shakes her head "no I'm not leaving you" I growl at her "this is not a good time to be stubborn I can't fight him knowing there's a slight chance you could get hurt"

I pull out my phone and call Elijah, he picks up on the first ring "Nik.. " "no time, run to my location as fast as you can, Kai is here and I'm sending Caroline running while I stay behind, where at the pines motel just along side the woods"

She looked at me a lil scared "Caroline.. I " she started to scream when I was thrown back up against the wall then started to be lifted up on it, I couldn't move anything "Caroline you need to.." snap

I know he hit the floor pretty hard but I had to keep running, if he got me there was no saving me, I ran into the forest, I know I know stupid idea but what else could I do it was the closet hiding grounds and who builds a freaken motel next to the woods?! I screamed once he pulled me hard against the tree and stood in front of me "so this is Caroline?"

I hated the way my name sounded coming from his mouth "wha... What do you want from me?" He smiled big "I wanted to get to know you, I mean if it sparked an interest in a thousand year old vampire I wanted to know what makes you so special" me special? "I'm not even that special!" "Shh Caroline, oh how rude of me my name is Kai figured you wanted to know, so when your begging me to stop hurting you" he said with a wicked smile

"Why would you want to hurt me I didn't do anything to you" I felt my eyes getting watery "it's just the fun of it all, no hard feelings" he pushed me to the hard cold ground and laughed on "this is gonna be fun" breath Caroline your mother trained you to defend yourself ya against a human not a freaken witch he yanked me up and I swung at him and surprisingly hit him right in the face then with a quick swing of my leg he was on the floor with a oof and I took off again "you can't run from me Caroline!"

I lost count of how many times I fell, I could feel all the cuts on my legs and feet but I had to keep going, I nearly fell down the hill but I caught myself then turned around only to be faced with Kai "man you run fast, do you take track?" He said smiling the freaking nerve of him "I'm head cheerleader" "ooo I would of loved to see you in uniform" I swung at him again but he blocked it this time so I kept at it

I finally managed to get him with his back to the hill but I didn't plan on him grabbing me when I shoved him backwards, we both started to scream and shout while we were rolling down the hill, when I finally stopped my whole body was in pain, my shirt had rips and tears along with my shorts, I had a lil cuts every where, I sat up and looked around for Kai but I seen no sign of him

I managed to pull myself up with the hill and then felt him behind me I turned around to see he was in the same snap as I was but he looked more pissed off "now you're going to get an even slower death" I grabbed a rock and bashed it on his head then used Wat ever strength I had left to run but I tripped again and landed hard "ouch" I looked down to my right hand and seen a chunk of something in it

Even with this moonlight I couldn't really see because of all the trees, maybe that's why I kept falling I pulled it out, I started to cry cause it hurt so much "no more playing around" I turned around to see kai heading straight for me, I seen a trail of blood flowing down his face, I must of hit him that hard

I started to back up on the floor, hands and feet scraping again the dark floor of the woods then I get up to run again but out of no where I'm hit with a wall? I reached out my left hand and it was like an invisible wall "What the fuck are you doing!" He grabbed my right hand and pulled me to him "me?? Your doing this!" He tried to back out but he to was being stopped by a wall "are you a witch!?" "No I'm just human"

We heard people chanting, then they came into view "oh it's just you father" spat Kai at the elderly man, I looked around us and there were a lot of people lookin at us "you are no son of mine!" "Up set that it wasn't JoJo that lived I see" "kai your rain of death has stopped here" he them pulled out something from his pocket, it looked like a weird compass to me but Kai was freaking out over it

"you can't do that to me! I am the new Gemin leader!" "You weren't supposed to mirge until we said so and went on a killing spree right when your leadership began!" His grip tightened on my right upper arm "you guys can't do nothing as long as she's in here with me" "one life if fine if it means saving millions"

"She belongs to Klaus Mikaelson" he smiled so boldly once he seen his father's face expression "well be long gone before he even knows it was us" I couldn't believe what I was hearing "No! Please let me go please!" His father looked at me "I'm sorry but we can't let him go" I started to pull away from Kai his gripping lightened once he hear his fathers words but quickly gripped my wrist

"Klaus knows I'm with her, so he will come for all of you" he father didn't get to say anything because my bracelet seemed to burn Kai cause he let go of it fast then looked at his hand but I was falling into the wall so I put out my right hand to steady myself but I fell thur the magic wall and landed on the floor

I looked down at my bracelet that seemed to be shining in the moonlight then behind me to see Kai looking at me, then he stepped forward but was blocked with the wall "bring her here!" His father shouted, I was grabbed by a two men and brought next to Kai's dad "what are you a witch?" "I'm nothing just human" "there's no way you could of broken thur our wall unless you were a witch" "I swear I'm nothing" "I'm gonna ask you one more time before I..."

"Before you what mate?" I snapped my head in the direction of Klaus voice, he looked pissed beyond belief and he was holding one of the witches up by his throat "Klaus" I whispered "If you'll like to keep your arms I suggest you take them off of her" he hissed at them they released me and I made my way towards Klaus, he tossed the witch aside,  he put a hands on my shoulders and said in a hushed voice "are you alright love? Did they do this to you?" "No most of it was from me falling a lot" I gave him a small smile and he gave me one to

"Stay here love" he went to step around me but I grabbed him, "Klaus they didn't do anything to me, it was Kai but there handling it can we please just go?" "Love I just wanted a word with them" "Klaus I know you are not going to have a word with them" "love What did I say about pouting" "please Klaus" he looked at me then huffed then looked over my shoulder "if we ever meet again Gemini, lets just say it will be your last day on this earth" he scooped me up then took off, but in the distance I seen a light shooting up and hear a screaming Kai

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