Broken Promises

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I felt very nervous, I mean who wouldn't! I'm about to tell a very powerful vampire that Im maybe in love with him

Kol stops the car in the drive way, it's past 8am as we get out and make our way to the door

"I'll stay out here to give you guys some privacy, but scream if you need me" Kol told me with a wink at the end "thank you"

I go inside and say  "Klaus?" I heard something fall to the floor in the other room, so I head towards the sound, as I get closer I hear voices, a male and female, giggling?

I started to fell a ache in my heart so I walked faster to the door and pulled it open, if I could die I would have,

I see Klaus on the couch with another girl under him I let out a loud gasp and spin around "oops we been caught" I hear here giggle, that slut!  God I didn't even see if they were naked or not

"You can turn around...Caroline" I looked at him, he didnt even call me love like he almost always do,

I seen the girl fixing her clothes as she Sat on the couch next to him looking comfortable, Klaus looked at me "did you want something?"

"Yes but your "friend" can leave now" "I'm not going anywhere" she smiled at me "leave now" I said to her in a threatening tone "who do you think you are?" She got up from her spot "you best shut your trap unless you want me to claw out your tongue" she said with a growl

"Oh so your a wolf? Good he needs one of those to sacrifice!" "What are you then the virgin sacrifice?" She smiled widely, I looked shocked at her then looked to Klaus who just said "opps it might have slipped"

"You can leave now Mary" she moved her hands in a shooing way I felt my blood boil "KOL!!!" She looked at me confused then seen a man flash in the door way

"Caroline are you alright?" Kol looked between us then looked at Klaus "Nik what's going on?" Before Klaus could answer I spoke again "Kol please take out the trash while I talk to your brother"

"Who are you calling trash you.." She didn't get to finish her sentence because Kol flashed in front of her "I wouldn't finish that if you valued your tongue" she looked at Klaus who just waved her off saying

"Just go it's to early to be dealing with this, I'll call you when it's over" she walked by me smiling "Caroline are you sure.." "I'm fine Kol just get her out of my site" "ok" once they both left it was just me nd him

"So what was it that you wanted?" He said like nothing just happened like I ment shit to him, "how could you?" I told him with tears threatening to spill down my eyes

"How could I what Caroline?" "How could you do this to me!!" "Were not even together so why do you care who I fuck around with?" 

"God you are just so fucken evil!" "That right I am evil! I am a fucken monster and don't you forget it!" He said yelling at me

"I feel sorry for you!" I turned to leave but he flashed in front of me "don't turn your back on me!" "Get the out of my way!" I tried to shove him but he didn't move

"Why do you give a fuck who I do? Hu you made it very clear that you want nothing to do with me!" "I never said anything like that! All I said was forget your stupid fucken goal!"

"I will never give up on my goal!" "Then what ever we had is done!"
We just stood there silently looking at each other, after what felt like a eternity he finally spoke while looking into my eye's

"I fancy you Caroline.. more then I should" I was stunned at his confession, I couldn't speak I couldn't move, he put one hand on my face using his thumb to wipe away my tears that fell

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