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I froze, as did everyone else that could heard them, "Stefan?" Caroline asked me "werewolves" I whisper she gasped  "its not a full moon tonight, how is this possible?"

"What do we do?" Bonnie asked scared "we run darling, because as much as I love a good fight it sounds like there's a lot of them and most of you guys can't defend your self"

"Kol right let's.." Klaus stopped then fell to the floor screaming, as did Tyler and Hayley, then we heard bones braking,

"Whats happening?!" Elena said with a scared tone "there changing" I said with fear myself as I felt Caroline grip my arm tight

"Ruuunnn!" Klaus roared at us eyes flashing crimson yellow, more bones began to crack, they all began undressing themselves "you guys need to leave!" Tyler growled out while trying his might not to change 

"Ruuunnn!" Klaus roared/howled at me, I grabbed Caroline and took off running,

her grip on me was tight as we ran, I couldn't see where the others were but I knew they were around us running

The howls were getting closer, I could hear their paws running as fast as us in these woods

I didn't know how far well make it but I can't let anything happen to her

I heard them all one by one yelling behind me, screaming but I couldn't stop I had to keep going, Caroline cried harder in my chest

Then out of no where I was hit from the back hard and thrown to the floor with Caroline rolling out of my hands

I got up fast from the floor "Caroline!" "I'm ok!" I seen her frozen on the floor looking behind me I turned around to be faced with a wolf

"Stefan..it's Tyler" Caroline sobbed a lil
"Tyler, it's me Stefan and Caroline" I said holding my hands out

He growled and snapped his jaw at me "look I don't wanna have to hurt you but I will if I have to"

I was to busy facing Tyler that I didn't hear another wolf coming at us, until Caroline screamed, I whipped my head around to see another wolf ready to pounce on her 

"No!" I screamed rushing towards them but got pounced on by Tyler once my back was turned

He bit into my shoulder twice as I let out a yell, I heard Caroline scream once one so I looked up for her, the wolf had her pinned and was about to bite her  "no!!!"

I throw Tyler off me then ran at the wolf again but got pushes aside by a big black wolf who pushed the other one off of Caroline

This black wolf was bigger and more intimidating then Tyler and the other wolf, I stayed there on the floor looking at Caroline then the black wolf,

It looked as of it was protecting her from the other wolf, Tyler joined the other wolf and they both started to growl, snarl at the black wolf

Caroline laid still on the floor next to the black wolf, she was seating up in shock, "Caroline" I called out to her, she shaky turned to look at me, tears streaming down here face she was scared

"Its going to be alright, ok" she nodded a bit, then snapped her attention back to the wolves

The black wolf was way bigger then Tyler, he wasn't big like how they were in twilight but he was almost that size, Tyler was half the size of the wolves from twilight

I heard Stefan groan out in pain from Tyler's bite "Stefan" I say slowly getting up, the Tyler and the over wolf growled at me but the black wolf stayed with me as I made my way towards Stefan

The Original and A Humanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें