Your A Twiheart

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Bla bla bla that's all I hear coming from my sister's mouth, I'm ignoring her but she just continues to talk, saying how could we watch them without her and claming I'm a Twiheart what in the bloody hell does that even mean! "He was just keeping me company Bekah" I looked up to see Caroline smiling at me "right and I'm an old lady"

Caroline started to laugh "well your kinda old already, for a vampire wise" I looked to my sister's face to find it in shock and I myself starting to laugh "well at least I'm younger then you Nik!" Which caused Caroline to laugh even more then bekah looks at Caroline "so...are we still friends, I mean I know my brother told you about us but are you ok with us?" She looked so hopeful in her eyes

"it was a lot to take in but as long as NONE of you guys bite me or compel me, I think we can still be friends" she says while smiling a sincere smile "you didn't compel her did you?" "No sister I did not" how could she even think I would compel her!, well given my track record I wouldn't blame her, "Klaus has been a excellent host" Rebekah snorted at that but Caroline continued

"no really he answered all my questions and hasn't left my side" "while you guys been watching twilight without me" "these movies are insulting to vampires how could  you watch this!" "I can ask you the same reason then Nik" I opened my mouth to say something but I had nothing so I shut it, and the girls start with laughing again,

I turn to Elijah who had this amused face expression on "care to add to my mockery brother?" He shakes his head "No, but if it helps yours I have seen the first two movies as well" I looked at him shocked "what when?" "Rebekah wanted some company one night so we watched them" "I don't know how you got Nik to watch these with you, I can berly have him watch love movies" "he hated twilight, I think he only like new moon because of the wolves" "go figure" the girls started talking more about the movies, saying team Edward or Jacob while Caroline said Switzerland, what ever that ment, I turn to Elijah nd whisper "and the vampires?" "Taken care of brother" I gave him a nod then payed attention to the girls "no we were just gonna watch that one next" "good I haven't seen the other 3" I look at Caroline with a raised eyebrow "where watching all of them?" "You don't have to I have Rebekah now" I put my hand over my heart "ouch love, you were just using me until my sister got back" she rolled her eyes at me then looked at Elijah "do you wanna watch them with us?, I mean you can't just watch the first 2 then not see the rest" she says giving him a big smile and Elijah laughs before saying "you make a good argument Caroline, count me in"..this is gonna be a long night

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