"The Awakening" part 3

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   I was held back by my brothers before I could kill her

"Why?" Was all that Stefan said, Elena started to cry "because if I were to take it Silas would of drained me dry, he said I needed to take it then he would drain it from me along with me life, if someone else took it I figured my life wouldn't be taken"

"Your pathetic" I heard my sister hiss at her, I looked back to see her and the sheriff standing there, listing to everything

"Silas is free now, he's going to be coming for you and Caroline now, all you did was add another person to the list to die" Bonnie spoke "What are you talking about Bonnie they said..."

Bonnie cut her off "after you shoved it down her throat and Katherine knocked you out, I tried to hurt her again but I was to weak but I heard Silas speak, he needed her to collect you and Caroline" "Why I thought I had to take the cure.."

"Katherine ask why she didn't take it herself but he told her, it wasn't necessary for the doppelganger to drink the cure, he just wanted the process to go a lot faster, but by the time he was done talking he heard everyone coming, so he told Katherine to just help him escape and he'll come looking for them two when he has his strength back, I passed out after that"     

"So Silas is coming for Caroline?" I asked taking deep breaths, trying not to kill the doppelganger right here and now "yes" Bonnie said

"Elijah come with me, were going to pack up to leave now, Rebekah and Kol stay here to watch Caroline and pack her a bag as well, where leaving within an hour"

"Blondie's not going anywhere, she and Elena need to stick together if Silas is looking for them" I walked up to Damon "your lucky to still be alive and your out of your lil mind if you think I'm letting Caroline stay in this town to wait for him to come and collect her"

"You heard Bonnie he's coming for both of them, we need to keep them safe" I laughed in his face "you mean keep Elena safe, sorry but I'm not gonna trust you with Caroline just so when Silas shows up you make some kind of deal with him in only letting Caroline die in order to keep Elena safe"

"Your right let's trust the psychopathic hybrid who's done nothing but evil take one of the 2 pieces that an ancient being is looking for, who's to say you won't offer her up for something in return for yourself" My eyes flashed gold as a growl rumbled thru me 

"you know Klaus won't let anything happen to her Damon" Stefan said to Damon "oh that's right, I forgot all about lil wolfy, so tell me who gets to do the deed first the wolf or the man?" I was about to rip his head off when Her mother spoke up

"ENOUGH! Caroline is my daughter" she said walking over to us, I took a step back from Damon and she walked over to us "you two have no say in whats best for Caroline, it's because of you two she's even in this mess" I looked down to the floor because she's right

But Damon thought it was wise to speak "Liz it's all Klaus fault to begin with.." "shut up Damon everyone has there part in it, but this I know is for certain, not a single doubt in my mind that my daughter is safer with Klaus"

I looked up at her stunned "you got to be Kidding me" Damon said "I won't let no harm come to her" I told her honestly "I know, that's why I want you to take her as far away from here as you possibly can" she said with a shaky voice

I nodded "she will be kept safe" she nodded "can I just be with her until you leave" "of course"

I placed Caroline down gently on her couch in the living room "Damon and Elena took off home" I heard Stefan say "shouldn't you be with them protecting your precious Elena?" "I'm coming with you" I looked away from Caroline to look at him "What?"

"I said I'm .." "I heard What you said now why?" "Because I care about her as well Klaus, not how you feel about her it's more like in a sibling way" I thought about it for a minute

I didn't know how the cure would effect her, what if she forgot everything... "Ok, wait for my siblings to return then I'll send Kol with you so you can go pack a bag" he nodded then went outside with Matt and Bonnie

Bonnie was working on putting up a spell so that no vampire, wolf or witch can set foot on this property if they mean to harm anyone and they can not use anything to trace Caroline, not even her mothers blood

Kol left with Elijah to gather their things first from the house

I've been sitting here with Caroline since they left a while ago, she looked so peaceful, I really did hope she remembers everything about us on the island...bloody hell she'll remember me erasing the time we spent together before all of this 

"I want to know if you are using my daughter for any leverage" I looked up to meet the sheriffs eyes, I took a deep breath "rest assure sheriff I have no intentions of using Caroline" she relaxed a bit before saying " If you were any other boy, man..whatever you are, I would of told you to never speak to my daughter ever again while threatening your life with my guns"

I let out a small chuckle looking back down at her sleeping form, I see where Caroline gets her spunk from, the apple don't fall far from the tree "If you were any other person or mother,  I'd just compel you to let me court your daughter or would of just killed you already...but your not any person or mother, your Caroline's mother" 

I heard her heart pick up a bit, hopefully I didn't scare her but I'm guessing not from what she told me "You love her don't you?" I looked up at her mother, I didn't know how to answer that, it's not that I didn't love her it's just I've never been in this situation before, never felt so exposed "you don't have to answer, your actions speak for themselves" 

she reached out to me holding 2 letters, I looked at her confused "this letter is for when she mad at herself, trust me your'll understand when she really needs to read it" I nodded, then I pointed to the other one

"this letter is for?" I asked her, she gave a small shy smile "this one is for when she really misses me and wished I was there" "I understand" "you can read them if you want, I promise there's nothing bad in them" "no, I believe you"

I heard my siblings arrive "ok we got what we wanted and had everything else shipped to storage" "good, Kol go with Stefan, he's coming with us and he needs to pack a bag, if Damon irritates you snap his neck"

"Gladly, come along now Stefan" "Elijah you and Rebekah stay here, Rebekah if you and Ms.Forbes can pack her a bag please" "I know what and where her important thing are" her mother said walking to her room with my sister

"Elijah just.." "I know, I'll make sure she's fine until you get back" I nodded then set off home to gather my things

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