Your not gonna kill her are you?

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I finally got to the house, lucky no one was on the road as I was speeding as fast as the car would allow it, I would of chased after her but I couldn't just leave the car there, I get out as fast as I can and head inside the house but before I do I hear Rebekah screaming

I rushed in and seen she had tossed him against the other side of the room, he hit the wall hard knocking down a picture hanging and breaking the table he landed on along with the vase of flowers, I quickly grabbed her and held her away from him, Niklaus fell to the floor with a thud "let me go Eijah!" "Rebekah please calm your.." "he killed her Elijah!" She screamed with tears coming out of her eyes ,

I turned to look at Niklaus "brother please tell me you didn't.." "No I didn't Elijah! Rebekah would of known that if she let me talk instead of shoving me up a wall while choking me then tossing me in to this new table I just got!" "why are you covered in blood then brother?"

"you have Caroline's blood on you! I know that's her blood because I smelt it before!" I held her back before she could attack Niklaus again, He let out a frustrate growl "I had a run in with other vampires, I saved her life tonight for you information!" We both stopped and looked at him I couldn't see Rebekahs face but I know mine showed shocked, he just looked at us then rolled his eyes then continued

"I left the grill in search of a treat when the smell of blood hit me so I followed it, it lead me to the ally of the grill, I seen a vampire drinking off of someone, I didn't relize it was Caroline until I seen her face" "You decide to save her? Why?" He paused for a moment then said "Would you have like it better if I left her to die?"

"Where is she now Nik?" "I put her in my room, after I gave her some blood to heal, also the vampires got away" he said in a displeasing tone "how they get away?" I was curious to know how 4 vampires hurt him and lived, "I had Caroline in my arms at one point then when I put her down to kill them, they tried to stake her in the heart so I got in the way they stabbed me and ran so I took her here, was gonna go after them after I called you"

if she seen him getting stabbed does that mean "did she see you get stabbed? Does she know what you are?" He looked in the direction of his room "yes" "your not going to kill her are you Nik? We can just comple the night away we.." Bekah started to say fast "I'm not going to harm her or compel her" I was confused

"then what are you going to do brother?" "I wanna see if she's..." Boom we races out side to see my car in flames "what in .." We see blurs running away "it's the other vampires" Niklaus growls he starts to run after them when I say "no Niklaus, stay with Caroline me and Rebekah will go after them" "Yes, when I get my hands on them I'm gonna rip them to shredds"

whoosh I wanted to be the one who kills them all for what they had put Caroline thur, I shake my head at the thought of if I hadn't been there to save her, I head something fall near the side of the house so I run in that direction, I see one of the vampires from the ally,

he held a gasoline can and had a lighter in his hand "I wouldn't do that mate" he turned to me with shocked eyes "your supposed to be chasing after the otheres" I give him a smirk "I have siblings you know,  both of them are pretty fond of the girl you tried to kill" I transformed my face "no please" I smile at him then flash to him

Boom I opened my eyes, I notice I'm not in my own room, then I remember what happened to me, what I incounterd... Vampires...not like twilight ones ether but the more scarier ones I sit up and I'm in someone's bed, I looked around and found it a bit lonely in thus room but when I turned my head I felt stiff and I remember the blood I lost,

I put a shaking hand up to my neck but I felt nothing I rubbed the spot where the vampire sank his teeth in me and found nothing, I smiled a bit thankful that there's not mark but then my smile fell when I remembered who saved me..Klaus was a ...

I can't believe he's one, does that mean his siblings are, but if he was one of the bad ones he would of killed me by now, Ya he would of, I had to get out of these clothes I started to feel dirty from all the blood, so I got out of bed as carefully as I could so I wouldn't get blood on anything else,

I turned around to look at the bed, I only got blood on one pillow and on one sheet so I took it off the bed and throw it in the in a corner, I make my way to the door and open it, I look out n see nor hear anything "Klaus? Hello? Anyone?"

I shut the door, maybe he left to take care of them, I shudder as the thought of Klaus face changing into the ones who tried to kill me, the dried up blood is making me feel dirty, I need to shower

I go to the far side of the room and peek in the door and luckily it's the bath room, it's huge in here, I quickly turn on the lights and head towards the shower, I get the right water temperature then strip off my clothes and hop in, hoping to wash way the events that had happened to me

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