Some Enlightenment

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We kept walking the way of the last bit of clues that...Caroline help come up with... I still can't believe she's gone

"Hold up, I gotta rest" Bonnie said "I agree" Matt said taking a seat next to her, I lean against the tree near them

"Do you hear that?" Kol said looking around "hear what?" Rebekah asked "yes I hear it to" Elijah said looking off into the distance, Bonnie and Matt got up, we were was on alert now

I tried to hear what they were talking about but I heard nothing, "I don't hear it anymore" "neither do I, we should keep moving"

I hear foot steps getting closer to me, I open my eyes and look to see who it is, it's Katherine again "can't you leave me to die in piece" "now where would the fun in that be?"

"Go away" "but don't you wanna hear the news that I have about your lil gang?" I looked back up at her, worried something has happened to anyone "well now that got your attention" she smiled wickedly at me

"Tell me" I demand "seems like your lil blonde girl is dead, also the two wolves are next to be killed off it seems"

Blonde girl? My heart started to beat faster "which blonde?" I said in a shaky voice, please not her "I believe her name was Carol? Carrie? oh no wait Caroline" she clapped 

"No.." I said looking at the ground "yes and it seems as if you friend Tyler and his lady wolf were the ones to do it, but then again there wasn't a body so who knows"

My head snapped up to her "your lying" "nope, I wouldn't lie this is just to sick and twisted, I got something out of it" she smiled warmly

"What could you have possibly gotten out of this?" "Well you see rumor has it that your friend Caroline was Klaus secret crush, he was into her, seeing how he is the one to go after other two wolves" I looked at her stunned by this news, thinking about Caroline and Klaus 

"Any who, now that she's dead he's in so much pain and I quit enjoy seeing him suffer, but there's more to come for him, he's gonna regret the day he killed me"

"Why am I still alive then?" It made no sense as to why I'm still alive, She smiled wickedly at me "my dear boy do you still not know the full reason you are here? Well let me clear things up, you see rumor has it that"

She walked closer to me then continue talking "You see Silas apparently left some bimbo at the alter and took the two immortals spells with him and his mistress... you see the woman that he was supposed to marry, ended up making a new spell, a cure for the immortal spell, she gave it to his mistress and killed her seeing how she was no longer immortal and made him an offer...

..she wanted him to take the cure and go back to his normal self and told him all will be forgiven, as you can tell he didn't take the deal..

...rumor has it that she also made up the other side, you know where all supernatural beings go when they die, so even in death they will be together forever..

...but with that lil information Silas wanted to destroy the other side and unleash all the dead supernatural beings, he wants to be reunited with his one true love..

...but since he didn't take the cure he's immortal forever, he can't be killed, she was not please with him not taking the cure so frozen him with the cure, she figured after a couple of centuries he'll come around"

"I still don't understand stand what do I have to do in all of this?" "You didn't let me finish" she snapped at me "like I was saying, over the years Silas has been growing stronger even in sleep...'s one of his many talents, as you can see I'm alive and living again but in order to break his lil sleep he needs a Hunter, he needs a witch and last but not least he needs the doppelganger...

...Before you interrupt me again let me finish! Now he needs to...on second thought I'm gonna stop there, I don't wanna give to much information out" "No tell me!!!"

"I don't have to tell you squat but I will tell you this, your gonna have 2 new roommates within the hour" she turned around and started to leave my cell

I felt sick in the stomach, still didn't know why they need three for, I just hope the two brothers will protect my sister

They should of been back by now "maybe there snogging ...ouch!" "We do not have time for you immature comments Kol" "no need to hit me Elijah, a simple knock it off would of been fine"

I just shook my head, I don't know why we agreed to split up... We didn't even do it evenly

We sent a human, a witch and an original to take another path, it should of been two vampires and a human, not how we did it but I believe Bonnie can handle herself

I heard running, someone's headed this way, Matt fell onto the floor covered in blood trying to catch his breath "Bloody hell" Kol said while we flashed to him "were are the girls?" Elijah asked Matt was just shaking his head trying to breath, Elijah flashed away in the direction where Matt came from

I bit into my wrist and gave him some blood, he took it and wipe his mouth

"They..they ambushed us..they were trying to get only Bonnie...they had orders to not harm her..Stefan they said there going for the doppelganger" 

"Elena.." I flashed off running in the direction of the boat I gotta get there in time

I finally made it close to were the shore would be but as soon as I seen Damon laying on the ground I know they had Elena...

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