No Happy Ending

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This was just all to much.. I mean I actually thought that he cared for me, God how stupid could I be!

Of course he wants Elena, I mean it's to kill her but still he's choosing her over me! Once again I'm not even top priority!

He wants to kill all my friends, he's gonna kill all my friends and there's nothing I could do..I can't stop an almighty vampire... My friends are all going to die...

I slammed my front door shut with a growl "Nik is everything alright where's Caroline?" I looked at my sister who was next to Kol

"She's at home hating us" she gave me a confused look then it seemed to click on her head "no" she said wide eyed

"What did you tell her?" "Everything" I whispered "what's going on?" Kol asked lost on this all "you bloody idiot!! Why did you tell her!!" "Tell her what!!!" Kol shouted

Which caused Elijah to come in to the hall way to "I told her the real reason as to why where here Kol, that is to break my hybrid cures" his eyes got big

"You found another doppelganger?" I gave him a nod "I haven't seen her around where is she?" " out of time at the moment but She's Caroline's best friend" "why couldn't you make it look like an accident and kept it a secret from her?"

"Kol" Elijah shook his head at him "What! I happen to like Caroline and don't wanna lose her so what if we told her a lil white lie!" Kol argued back

"Her other friends consist of a Bennett witch, the Salvatore brothers & I'm guessing she knows the Lockwood wolf.. Given her reaction from his picture, She will lose most of her friends" I told him

"Man Nick you really know how to pick your girls" I growled at his words and he held his hands up stepping aside Rebekah "Lockwood? Tyler's last name is that, he did mention he had a uncle who comes every so often to check up on them"

"It's possible" I say going quite

"You not going kill her are you?" I just looked away from her, I still didn't have an answer for that "Niklaus surely you won't harm her will you? Can't you just forget.."

"ENOUGH!!" I shouted at them, I looked at every single one of them before continuing "remember what I told you two" I said pointing to Elijah and Rebekah who began to cry , I turned to leave before saying "you might want to fill Kol in on it"

I needed answers, I rolled over in bed and it was only 2am, there's no way I'm sleeping, I grabbed my phone

There's no way I'm calling him, I don't think Rebekah will be straight with me, although Elijah might seems like the logical choice but he stands by him no matter what, I need someone who will be 100% honest with me, I hit deal and let it ring

"So you expect me to watch him kill her when she stops him?!"
"Kol he's not gonna kill her.." Rebekah whisper thur tears

"We just need to give him some space to think, come on let's leave and give him a some time" Elijah told us, so we headed to our rooms to get a few things when my phone rang

I looked at the name and smiled "miss me already beautiful?" "Kol not now please" "as you wish my Angel" I could imagine her rollin her eyes at that one "Kol I need your help.." "is everything alright?"

"Just need answers and your the one who's gonna be 100% honest with me, Rebekah and Elijah love..him to much to be blunt about him to me"

"Wise choice I'll be there in a few"
"Thank you" " not a problem"

click I hope I'm making a wise choice, few minutes later Kol is knocking at my door, I open it and invite him in, I told him everything Klaus has told me

I told him how confused that I was and that I didn't understand why he hate to go though with it all can't they find away to save Elena, there has to be some kind of spell for that and can't they use bad vampires and wolves who did horrible crimes or can't he just not turned in to a hybrid

I stopped my rant to look at Kol, he was looking at me in a weird way then a small smile appears on his face, then he says

"how long?" I looked at him confused "how long what?" "You know" "know what Kol?" "How long have you been in love with my brother?" I stood there frozen at his words

I finally had a voice "what?" I whispered "I know that your in love with my brother, I just want to know how long, does he know?"

"I...I.. Im not in love with.. him"
He laughed a bit "your that upset with "him" that you won't even say his name?" He says smiling, while I scrold him "I can say his name"

His smile grow bigger "who's name?" "I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH KLAUS! ha I said his name!" "You know yelling that you don't love him doesn't prove anything"

"What makes you so sure that I love him?" "The fact that you are trying to find a way for everyone to live thur this sacrifice so my brother can complete his goal is proof enough" I open my mouth but shut it

"See I was right you do love him" I still said nothing, did I love him? Does he feel the same? "Caroline?" I looked up at him as he talked

"In all my life I have never  seen my brother taken an interest in any female like he has with you, let alome a human and he's been with a lot of women but he's never treated any they way he does you, I'm surprised he hasn't figured it out yet" "what if he doesn't feel the same way" I whispered looking away

"If my brother felt nothing towards you, you wouldn't be standing here having this conversation with me" I turned to look at him "are you sure?" He gave me a nod

I let out a heavy sigh and Sat down on my bed "What do I do?, I can't let him kill my friends but I can't stop him from his goal" "I have a few witch friends of my own that I can talk to and see if they can come up with anything"

"Thank you Kol" he gave me another nod, "I should go tell Klaus how I feel, will you go with me?" "Yes but let's give him some time to himself he's a bit upset that you kicked him out of your house"

"I didn't kick him out I just told him to leave!" Kol started laughing "no body tells my brother what to do so that's another first" "oh shut up Kol" "where have you been all his life Caroline! We could of had fun all these centuries"

I smiled at him "you really think he feels the same?" "No doubt, give him a few hours" "k" "gives up time to make you look descent" I laughed at that "oh shut up Kol" we both laughed

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