Home Sick

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    It's been 2 months and some weeks, since we left mystic falls, we've stayed in small towns and big city's but we're always on the move, never stop and stay in one place for to long

That's what happens when an evil ancient vampire wants to kill you for some magical blood that's running through your system, but hey it could be worse,

Over the past  weeks I've grown so much closer to Klaus and his family, I mean Nik, I say smiling, Well he's Klaus when I'm upset with him

Me and his siblings get along as any other family would with the girlfriend of there sibling, we have our moments when we disagree but in the end were right back to loving each other

Rebekah's like the sister I never had, along with Elijah being the responsible older brother, who has his cool moments, last but not least Kol the reason why I'm not that sad about being an only child but Kol can be fun at times

I let out a yawn as I stretch out in the bed, Nik left earlier this morning to go run an errand, my mind drifted to Stefan

I smile thinking about my best friend, him and Nik have become friends once again, it's really nice to see Stefan and Nik getting along better, it's nice, I think Nik missed him

I start to think about my mother, a frown spread it across my face, I wonder what she's doing, I wonder if she safe, no doubt in my mind that Nik's hybrids are keeping her safe, but what about my other friends?

how was Bonnie holding up? Matt? even Elena...maybe Silas gave up in looking for me

"Whats on your mind love?" I sat up startled "I told you about doing that! your gonna give me a heart attack one of these days" I mutter the last part as I fell back down in the bed

I heard him chuckle then felt the bed dip from his weight, he pulled me to him so I rested perfectly at his side, his hand rubbing my back, I hummed in delight

"Now tell me what caused that lil frown on your beautiful face?" I stayed quite for a moment before telling him "I'm worried about my mother..."

He stayed quite before speaking "Your mother is a force to be reckoned with, I have no doubt in my mind that she safe, along with your friends" "thank you, for everything... you saved me and protected my friends"

"I'll do anything to keep you safe and happy" he spoke with a sincere voice "thank you" "no need for that love, now why are you still in bed? My siblings getting on your nerves again? Figure you'll hide under the sheets" I laughed a lil "I never got out of bed, I just got up a few minutes before you came"

"Really?" He said teasing voice but continues "now what could you have done to make you sleep in this morning?" I felt my face burning up at remembering last night

He knew what we did last night,

I rolled so I was sitting on top of him looking down at him, I looked him over, I bit my bottom lip before saying "is there anyway I can repay you for your..generosity?" I say playfully

He sat up smiling at me, he brought both hands to cup my face "I think I have an idea in mind" I smiled at him then felt his lips on mine, I gotten to love our makeup sessions

But last night was just as wonderful,

We didn't go all the way, he wants to wait for the whole Silas thing to be done and over with but he's not making it any easier

last night we were both in nothing but our underwear for the first time and his hands where everywhere, he didn't touch the flesh under them but he ran his hands over them and the pressured of his knee between my legs is what we repeated over and over along with me on top rubbing my core on his multiply times 

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