It's not what you think

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"Vampire" she said before she fainted, I caught her just in time before she hit the floor, I pulled my brows together because of the look she gave me before she passed out, I wanted to kill each and everyone of the men but they left fast,

that and I couldn't leave Caroline here, I picked her up in my arms and was about to speed to her house but I didn't have an invitation in so I decided to take her to my house, she'll be safe there I flashed us to my house

"Really Elijah I can walk myself to the door" "I know your are very much capable of walking to a door Rebekah, it's just I would like to see Miss Forbes again" "you know she hates it when you call her that" "call me old fashion" "you are old fashion Elijah" I saying laughing as we got to her door,

I knocked and wait but there was no answer, odd I looked at my phone and I arrived on time so I listen in and heard nothing from inside the house "let me call her"

I dialed her number as someone shouted out "you looking for Caroline?" We turned around to see the neighbor leaning over the fence "yes I am" "she took off awhile ago, I'm thinking the grill"

"thank you" "shall I leave you here or would you like me to take you to miss.. I mean Caroline?" I got this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when she didn't answer her phone twice "yes take me to the grill please

"Hello Matt" I turn around to see "Rebekah standing there with her brother Elijah "hey guys, what Caroline forgot the other order of fries" I say laughing but stop when I see Rebekah face "what's wrong?"

"When was Caroline here?" "About 20mins ago why Wats wrong?" I seen that she was worried but then said "Ya she forgot that extra order" "ok, I'll go get it"

"Rebekah calm down" "no she's not answering her phone! You remember how pissed Nik was, maybe he did something" "Rebekah Niklaus would. . Do you hear that?" "Hear what?" "Call her again" she dials her number again

I hear a phone ringing we follow it to were the ally of the grill is, we see a phone on the floor, I look to

Rebekah who's still from shock so I pick it up and read the caller ID Barbie sister, I pushed accept and said hello and hear myself thur Rebekah phone I hear her gaps

before I could say something the smell of blood hit my nose and not just any blood Niklaus blood we went into the ally to see a fight has broken out and we smell someone else's blood but I've never.. "Caroline"

"what?" "It's Caroline's blood" she has a frightened look on her face "Rebekah we can't be certain.." "I've smelled her blood before she got a paper cut in school I know what her blood smells like!"

"Rebekah calm down we.." "no there's only two peoples blood I smell and ones Caroline and the others Klaus" whoosh "Rebekah wait" sigh whoosh

I layed her down in my bed and covered her, I watched her for a while aa I tried cleaning some blood off her face, I didn't even care that her clothes were soaked in blood in my bed,

I thought about undressing her but I think I better leave that to Rebekah, speaking of her I should called her now she's probably wondering where she is,

I grab my phone and head down stairs I was gonna hit dial but he door bust open and I see a very pissed off sister she looks at me in shocked and disbelief, I was confused at first then I remembered I was covered in mine and Caroline's blood

"Bekah it's not what you think" next thing I knew I was pressed up against the wall by my throat "You cold hearted asshole!!"

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