She could be my Isabella Swan

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    After watching Eclipse Elijah suggested we pause on the movie to stretch our legs and get something to eat, before me or Rebekah could say something Caroline stood up and started to stretch "good idea Elijah, my legs were falling asleep" she laughed "plus I am hungry" I chuckled at her words "did you have enough snacks love?"

"Snacks and real food are two different things" "point taken love" I tell her getting up myself "so what are you in the mood for love?" "I don't know" "I can cook you something if you like" I started to laugh at Bekahs words "what's so funny Nik?"

"You dear sister, we wouldn't want Caroline dyin from your poor cooking skills" "I can cook you bloody idiot!" "Really caz I remember the last time you cooked Kol thought he was actually dying"

"you know what you.." "Enough, now Caroline would you like some homemade food?" Before she could answer Elijah I said "how about this, we each cook her a dish and she'll decide who's the better cook, sounds reasonable love?"

She nods her head "only if you guys promise you won't be upset with me if I don't pick you" "promise" we all said "ok"

Meanwhile the fierce brunette with tight curls raises from the grave, and heads towards the tomb of her awakener to see what tasks he has in store for her

"So who's won love?" We all are looking at Caroline as she finishes up Elijahs meal, he make stir fry, as bekah made Mac nd cheese, myself make chicken Alfredo, "well honestly I like Elijahs" my smile fell and I heard Rebekah snort

"why Elijahs?" She looked at me and said "I never had stir fry, as u can tell we don't a Chinese place" I thought about it and she was right "but yours is in second place, no offense Rebekah but you can't cook" we all started laughing "well its not my fault most of my life I was stuck in a box" I shot her a look "what? Klaus said you guys don't sleep in coffins or were you lying to me?"

I glared at her before she's looked at me "Bekah's just over exaggerating, right?" She rolled her eyes "yes, I'm just hurt you didn't pick me but now we can finish watching the movies please" we finish picking up the kitchen then head back to the living room to finish the last two movies but instead of sitting on the floor with Bekah, Caroline sat next to me on the couch, I smile to myself and hit play

"Why have you brought me back to life? I mean don't take it the wrong way Im glad to be alive but what is it that you want me to do?" "All in due time I will tell you but your first task is the wake up the trouble maker, he needs to be awake for our plan along faster, you will stay in the shadows until the witch calls for you" "toubler maker?" "The one who sleeps in the mansions basement with a dagger in his heart"

To think they would risk everything for a child, and these volturi call themselves villains? Ha there sorry excuses to me, I would of been snapping necks and pulling hearts, but I do find it interesting that they have special abilities, I tensed up when I felt Caroline lean into me I relaxed after after a few seconds and continue to watch the movie

"Do you know your part?" "Yes I do I wait for you to go in there and do your witchy thing then call for me it's like a no brainer" "ok then let's go"

We finished watchin the twilight movie's and we decided to make a movie night today so now were going to watch horror but I thought about Caroline, If this Edward Cullen fella could make it work with a human why couldn't I, I know I feel something for her I just can't put my finger on it

"We're close to the house remember the plan, in and out without anyone getting hurt" "ya ya I understand, I was there when he first told me remember?"

I wasn't paying much attention to the movie I was to busy looking at Caroline trying to fit her whole body into my side it was rather adorable, I looked up to see Elijah actually into the movie, then at Rebekah who just looked about ready to scream,

I made fun of her because she wanted to be human again and now sitting here next to Caroline with my siblings it might not be a bad idea but before I couldn't think further about it, we heard a voice from behind us

"good your all in one spot, makes my job easier" I grabbed Caroline and flashed to where Rebekah was at in the middle of the room, I put Caroline behind me while Elijah flashed to my side "Do you know who's house you are in" I told her in a very dangerous tone "Brother calm yourself" I was about to go off again but stopped when I felt her shaky hand on my back, so I took a deep breath

"what is it that you want witch?" I said in the most calm voice I could manage right now but she never answered instead I felt this pain in my head like it was about to explode, I dropped to my knees with my hands flying up to my head then I started to scream, I noticed my siblings screaming as well, "stop what ever it is your doing to them!" I hear Caroline screaming at the witch

"if you knew who these people are you wouldn't be here telling me to stop" with a flick of her wrist she snapped Rebekah's neck and she feel to the floor with a thud Caroline bent down to her "I do know them, now stop!" With another flick Elijah was down "Since your so buddy buddy with them you can join them" I looked back up to see Caroline being choked by the witches powers, I seen her eyes roll back behind her head and that caused me to charge towards the witch but I was met with an invisible wall protecting her and flew backwards with a hard landing on the floor I turned around to see Caroline unconscious on the floor next ro Rebekah and before I could check to see if she was alright my world turned black

"Ok you can come in now!" In a flash she was standing next to me "about time I thought they killed you" I rolled my eyes at her "Klaus wasn't that difficult, now come along we haven't much time" we make our way towards the basement, I do a locating spell to find what where looking for, I chant my spell and the coffin pops open I look down at the youngest Mikealson, he's hatred towards Klaus should put him in our favor

"ok pull it out" I turned around to she her no where "Ka..." "Here I am no need to shout my name, I figured he might like a snack when he wakes up" she told me smiling wickedly I looked down on the floor and see the blonde girl who was yelling at me upstairs "he said no one gets hurts" I turn around to look at her "Ya well Kol's gonna need his strength to get out of here" she then pulled the dagger out of his chests and drops it "now let's get out of hear before they wake up" she grabs me then we flash out of there

I finally regain consciousness, I slowly sit up because my neck is stiff bloody witches, Caroline! I look over to where Rebekah's at and I see her waking up also but I don't see Caroline any where, before I could say anything thing I hear her scream

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