The Island

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I watched Klaus and Carolines interaction with one another, from a distance it looks like there really close,  I don't mean like me and her close

"Jealous baby brother?" I turn to see Damon giving me one of his smirks "just behave your self Damon, remember were all working on the same side" I looked back at them

They were both looking over the rail, I started to walk towards them "we got our selves a problem mate" Klaus spoke to me "what is it?" Caroline pointed down into the water "were stuck on rocks so this ships not going any closer to shore"

I sighed "is there a row boat?" "No there's not" I turned around to see Bonnie and Matt walking to us "well this is great" I say "we can jump to shore it isn't that far" Klaus said looking to the shore

"What about us who arnt vampires?" Caroline said "each vampire gets a human then its that simple" Damon said

"Call dibs on Bonnie!" Kol said flashing up from down stairs with Elijah behind him "we would all need a running start to make it to shore" Elijah added

Elena came up from below "running start for what?" "Boats stuck so Klaus wants us to jump to shore, Damon said the non vampire people are to jump with a Vampire to make it to shore" Tyler said with Hayley behind him

"This should be fun" Hayley said,
"How do we get the ship up stuck when we want to leave?" Caroline asked "we're worry about that later love" Klaus told her while grabbing his and her things

"What do u think your doing?" Tyler said stepping towards him "what does it look like? I'm getting ready to jump" "not with Caroline your not" Caroline just stood there looking between them

"I'll jump with Caroline" they both looked at me "Tyler just jump with Hayley" he looked at Klaus then walked away,

"Bonnie would you like it if you jumped with me?" I heard Rebekah asking "but I called dibs!" "Kol shut up you can jump with Matt" I seen him look at Matt then smiled

"Hold on, how about Matt and Rebekah and Kol gets Bonnie" I say stepping towards them

"Wait what?" Bonnie said while Kol said "yes!" "Bonnie Kol doesn't look like he will hurt you, I wish I could say the same for Matt, so at least Matt has a chance at life" "fine Stefan, and you if your hands go anywhere there not supposed to I will give you such a bad headache"

"Yes my lil witchy, I'll be on my best behavior"

every one was getting there things and getting paired up to jump, Elena will jump with Damon, shocker, Tyler with Hayley, hope they end up in the water, Bonnie and Kol, Rebekah with Matt, Jeremy and Elijah

I was waiting in the front of the ship for Stefan to get everything situated, "do you trust me?" I jumped as Klaus whisper in my ear, I turned around to look at him, I looked at him for a moment then said "oddly yes" he just smiled then walked away, while Stefan just walked towards me

"Ok Care let me just grab my bag then we'll jump ok" I didn't get a chance to answer him because I was swept off my feet

I put my face into someone's cheast to keep myself from screaming, I didn't feel any wind anymore "you can look now love we landed"

I looked up at Klaus who was smiling, he was holding me bridal style, which caused me to blush, he sat me down on my feet

"Hope you don't mind me stealing you, I didn't trust the ripp.. Stefan in landing on the actual land" I gave him a nod "well I can't yell at you for not giving me a heads up, you asked me if I trusted you and I said ya so" I gave a lil laugh

Splash we looked to the shore and seen Tyler and Hayley in the water, only ankle deep but I still smiled at that

"Told u not to move when I was jumping!" he yelled at her "oh well I'm sorry if your grip on me wasn't that good!" She yelled back

Rebekah landed with Matt on the sand away from the water "see now that wasn't so bad was it" she said while smiling at Matt "it was pretty cool"

"Let go Kol we landed" Bonnie said while smacking his hands away from her "what no thank you kiss? I could of landed in the water but I didn't"

Elijah and Jeremy landed after them "thnxs" "no problem" "Elijah gets a thank you but I don't!" "Kol stop complaining" Elijah walked over to Kol and Rebekah

Damon with Elena made it with Stefan behind thim, he didn't look to happy, wonder what happened on the boat

"Now that everyone is here and a countable where to vampire hunter" Damon said while looking at Jeremy

"I don't know" "what do u mean you don't know!" "Exactly that Damon I don't know" "you have the map all over your body!" "Yes its pictures that doesn't exactly gives me an exact location!"

"Oh right settle down, where not going to get very far if we keep arguing" Elijah stated stepping between them with Stefan "he's right now lets just think"

           I looked at the Gilbert boy then remembered what he said "do you  still feel the pull?" He looked at me then said "ya it's kinda faint but it's there"

"Do you think you could use this pull of yours when walking around the island?" "I don't see why not" "excellent, let's move out"

"Wait what in bloody hell are you talking about?" Rebekah said, while everyone was waiting for the same answer

I looked to my sister "Young Gilbert said he felt a pull towards this island, so if he walks around the island.." "he will feel the pull in the right direction" Caroline said stepping besides me "precisely"

"Well we better get moving before night time falls, best to cover as much ground as we can" Stefan said, everyone else nodded

"Right so lead the way"

The Original and A HumanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon