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   She turned back to Markos "how do I know your not lying to me?" "I'm not but you'll just have to take my word for it" "seems a lil far fitch if you ask me" "but trusting a thousand year old vampire is any better?" Caroline stood quite so he continued

"Did he tell you he came to break his curse? No better yet did he tell you what he needed in order to break it?"

I growled at him "shut up now!" I roared at him "no keep talking" she took a step closer to him, "Caroline stay away from him" she ignored me "ah so he didn't, shame on you Klaus you know your only gonna hurt her in the end"

"I said shut up!" I started to bang against the invisible door "why is that?" she was walking closer to him "I am guessing what he wants to achieve cost something so dearly to you, just so he can become the most.." "Markos if you say another god dam word I will.." he raised his hand in my direction "Noo!" Caroline ran at him and he put his hand down

"I didn't do no harm to him, as you can see I only muted him, he can hear us but we can't hear him, I'm a lil tired of him interrupting me"

That sun of a bitch no body silences me! I bang on the dame wall Harder screaming her name "Caroline!!" She just looks at me confused, dame it

"Anyways this sparked our interest because he needs a doppelganger, as do we but the thing about doppelgangers is that once you kill one it takes years for one to pop up again and my master doesn't wanna wait another century before another one.."

"Ok I'm sorry but what does this have to do with I the doppelganger?" She said with fear in her voice "No my dear but you are helping him get close to his prize isn't that right Klaus" "I don't understand.. Klaus?"

she turned around and looked at me with confusion, fear and hurt "yes dear, he's a very bad vampire you shouldn't trust"

I was leaning against the wall when suddenly I stepped thur, I was confused at first then I heard them, I speed in front of Caroline and grabbed him by the throat then lifted him up "well it looks like my siblings arrived on time"

I'm sitting on Caroline's bed waiting for her to get out of the bathroom, she went to change, I rub my forehead,  damn witches, he hated when they gave my head a spin, after my siblings showed up the Travelers left but not before Markos talked to Caroline some more

before I could crush his throat I was given a migraine by a witch so he got free, he spoke to her before he got away saying "before I go why don't you ask him to be honest with you" "get off my property now" "Caroline, until we meet again"

After that she asked me to bring her home, once we got in side she said she was gonna change and then we were gonna talk bout what Markos was saying, I was really hoping to avoid all of this, I just wanted more time with her

I hear the door open and I look to see her, her body language was strong but her eyes revealed hurt and sadness, "Caroline I.." "Klaus please save it I already heard every trick in the book just be 100% honest with me...please"

I opened my mouth to stay something but then closed it, then said "I'll be honest with you just one thing or two things actually, please?" "What are they?" "Before you make up your mind about me and my family I want you to sleep on it"

She stayed quite then said "ok, the other thing?" "Kiss more time" "what? Why?" "Cause I'm afraid you won't wanna kiss me after I tell you everything" she stayed there looking at me "Klaus I don't think that's a really good.."

I flashed infront of her put both hands on her face whispering "sorry love I can't help it" before leaning down to kiss her, she was hesitant at first then started to move against mine

I kissed her with such passion, hoping she will forget and we can go back to the way things were, she tried to pull away but I deepened the kiss

The next time she pulled away I let her, "Klaus please" sigh I sat on the bed then patted down next to it for her to come and sit, once on the bed I tucked her in then said

"I think it's time I tell you a story"

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