Mixed Feelings

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"I forgot the cash" I spun around to see Rebekah holding her hand out "where's Caroline?" "She's in line still, probably ordering right now, so money please" I looked pasted her to see Caroline smiling at some guy, "I'll take it to her" I walked past her fast "wow someone's a bit jealous"

I heard her say low, I ignored her and kept going towards them, I focused on there conversation but they were already saying good bye so I came up behind her "who was that love?" I startle her "geez Klaus what did I say about that" "sorry, now who was that?" I had to hold back a growl "oh some guy who invited us to a bonfire later, that is you guys wanna go" I was about to say no but then I heard my sister

"I love a good beach bonfire we are so there" I wanted to snap her neck, we got our food and was walking back to our spot, why did I get upset? I mean she isn't mine, do I want her to be... I'm an immortal hybrid or soon to be hybrid I don't have time for distractions,

besides she's human and we all know human lovers don't last with me, she's free to do whatever with her life I just need my doppelganger

"This is fun isn't it!?" I turn to see Caroline laughing and dancing, she looked so carefree, I may have all the money in the world to buy anything I want but I envy her life "hey you ok?" She says showing real concern for me and I couldn't help but smile back at her "yes now let's dance" she grabs my hand and drags me close to the fire to dance, for a bonfire at sun set by the beach it was still pretty warm out so we were still in our bikinis, and we were getting a lot of attention from the boys,

I couldn't help but laugh when I seen Klaus give the death glare to guy who is caught looking at us, "can I join in?" "Go away Kol" "I wasn't asking you I was asking Caroline" "if you touch me, I'll have ur sister snap your neck" "I'll do it to Kol" his eyes got big "never mind I'll go find some other girls to play with" we started to laugh as he ran away from us

"you know I kinda like your brother as a person right? I just mess with him at times" I smiled at her "I know you do and I think Kol's taken a liken to you" "well that's good" we continue to dance to a few more songs then Caroline said "I'm gonna get us some drinks" I gave her a nod and kept dancing then I turned around when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I see the guy Caroline was talking to a the beach earlier "hello" I tell him

"hello to you to, um do you know where Caroline the girl you where just dancing with went?" I quickly looked him up and down nd I have to say he is a looker "she went to get us drinks" "ok cool mind if I wait for her with you?" I was gonna tell him back off because something didn't feel right about him but I couldn't help but catch the look Klaus was sending his way so I said "I don't mind" "great"

I let out a low growl "are you alright brother?" "Yes Elijah, I'm just bored" I know he knew I was lying but didn't say anything about it just continue on "well then why don't you go find some entertainment, but remember no killing" I rolled my eyes at him,

no girl here can satisfy while she's here, I looked back at the guy, wanting nothing more then to rip his head out but then Caroline wouldn't be so nice towards me for a while, I smiled to myself thinking it would be worth the silent treatment "geez Nick they way your smiling at him I think you lost your taste in women" "Kol go away before I shove you in a box and tell Caroline you fled the state"

"Caroline wouldn't believe you, now Elijah I need your assistance" me and Elijah raised an eyebrow at him "what do you need me for Kol?" "I need you to be my wingman, Klaus is busy being a stalker and I want a lady friend so help a brother out will you?"

I was gonna tell him off but Elijah put his hand on my shoulder "I'll be back" I turn my attention back to Car... the girls to see Rebekah gone, hes standing a lil to close to Caroline, I make my way over there "ya and thanks again for inviting us" "thanks for coming Caroline"

I seen her blush a bit at him "hello love" she looked up at me "hey, oh Klaus this is Orlando, Orlando this is Klaus" I felt a bit of joy that she said my name first and not his, I smile at him and gave him a firm hand shake "so boyfriend?" I was gonna tell him yes but she said

"no this is one of Rebekah's brothers" I frowned a bit caz now I knew this guy was gonna be all over her, wait why do I even care, "oh ok cool" yes cool mate, now I gotta stand here and listen to you flirt ..again why am I caring

I think my eyes were playing tricks on me again because I thought I seen Klaus a bit sad when I said no the the boyfriend thing, "hey Lando I was looking everywhere for you!" "Oh ya what's up?" I seen her look at Klaus then straighten up a bit "well first who are your friends?"

She says smiling at Klaus and berly even glancing at me, "oh this is Caroline and Klaus" he says smiling at me, "oh how long you guys been together?" "Oh were not going out, he's my friends brother" once again he looked hurt by the words, but I seen her smiling like crazy "well I'm Kim" she was practically eye fucking him now "nice to meet you"

"oh my god you have an accent! Say my name" I was glaring at her now, but Klaus seen and smiled at her saying "Kim" that jerk said the M for 3-5 seconds, "so hot!" Bitch please "Caroline?" I snap my attention towards Orlando "ya?" "I wanna show you something, do you mind coming with me?"

I looked at Klaus who was practically letting Kim be all over him and said "ya I'll go with you, have fun with Kim Klaus"

"What the hell Elijah! A wingman is someone who makes the other person look good not tell them my flaws!" "I will not lie for you" "I knew I should of just asked Klaus, I mean at least he helps me out"

"speaking of Klaus why is he not with Caroline?" I looked to see where Elijah was looking at and he was right Caroline was no where near him, instead he was talking to a good looking girl, shes the type who wants to have fun with you, but I was curious to know where Caroline was at "I don't know, you go find Rebekah and I'll go ask Nik"

I made my way towards him "where's your girlfriend Caroline?" The girl turned around to look at me "girlfriend you said you guys weren't together?" "Were not, we just said that to get rid of some girls that were bothering me earlier and my siblings went along with it" "oh ok" she said smiling back at him, I wanted to gag,

I mean I love a good shag but this tramp was just to willing I at least like a good challenge "so Nick where is Caroline?" The girl answer instead "oh she's with Orlando, I think there you know" and gave me a wink, I looked at her wide eye "no way Caroline's not like that at all" she started to laugh then turned back to Klaus

"so you wanna get out of here?" I turn to Klaus "what about Caroline?" He looked upset "Caroline went with him willing so she knows what she's doing" "but Nik.." "enough Kol, now shall we sweetheart?" She grabs his hand and drags him away giggling like the lil tramp that she is, well then I'm going to find Caroline

The Original and A Humanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن