The friend I always wanted

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  I'm very excited for tonight's plans, Caroline invited me to join her at a high school party and then to sleep at her house, she invited me after practice yesterday and I happily accepted the invitation.

She said just to bring comfortable pj's and a change of clothes for Sunday and she'll take care of the rest, I packed my bag and check the clock, it's almost time to go I think happily.

I grab my bag and head down stairs and I'm surprised to see Lijah walking thru the front door "I see your back from your errand, how did it go?" He did not look happy "he gave us the slip but I came back here to collect something that might help us find him faster" he eyed my bag and said "you going somewhere? "

"Yes my friend invited me over to her house for the night" I say smiling, even Lijah has a small smile on his lips "well that does sound pleasant" we hear a door open up and then Nik appears at the top of the stairs "ah just the person I wanted to see, where's my wolf? " Nik ask as he's coming down the stairs

"Sorry to inform you that he's not captured yet but fear not he will be" Lijha said to Nik "then why are you here?" "As I was telling Becca I came to retrieve something that could help me get him faster" Nik rolled his eyes at him then seen my bag "where are you off to?"

It was my turn to roll my eyes and say "I'm off to Caroline's" he pauses and says "right then hop in the car I'll drive you, Elijah I bid you happy hunting" and starts walking to the door "no need to Nik I can drive myself " I say walking up to Lijah "Take care and hurry home" I tell him hugging him "will do and I hope you enjoy your night" he gave me a quick squeeze and lets me go, I walk past a grumpy Nik "don't wait up for me" then I walk out the door to my car

I pull up to a house that I believe to be Caroline's, its a nice house size for 2 people I think as I walk up the front steps, I knock on the door with my bag in hand and then I realized I needed to be invited in, I don't wanna compel her but I'm hoping she does it herself and is on the house deed

a few moments later the door opens and I see Caroline "Hey I'm glad your here, I hoped you found the place easy" she says smile on her face "yes I found it no problem and thank you, truth be told I'm very happy to be here" I say with a smile on my face "same I'm glad you can be here" "Care who's that at the door?" another voice says and I'm guessing its her mother, Caroline steps aside and opens the door more to reveal her mother "oh hello you must be Rebekah, please come in and let Care take your bag to her room" she says with a small on her face

"thank you" I say stepping thru her door way fine and Caroline takes my bag "k be right back, mom no baby pictures please" she says as shes running up stairs, her mother laughs and say "sure honey, make your self at home" she tells and points me to the living room I believe

I'm looking around and it's a nice home filled with pictures of Caroline thru the year's "you have a lovely home" I tell her "thank you" she tells me and then her phone rings "excuse me" and then she walks away, I choose not to listen in on her call and continue to look at all the pictures

"Where's my mom?" Caroline asked as she stepped in the room with me "she got a call" I reply and this makes Caroline frown and then her mother came back in the room "I'm sorry girls but that was work, I must go, there's money on the counter so order in" she says as she's heading up stairs

"Bummer" Caroline mumbles then looks at me "want anything to drink?" "no I'm good thanks" I tell her "wanna see my room?" she says with a smile on her face "love to" I say eager to see her room, we head up stairs and get to her door as her moms walking out of hers dressed in her uniform "sorry they need me down there" her mother says to her with a sad tone "its ok, your the sheriff mom its understandable besides Bekah's here to keep me company" she says with a smile "ok but if u two need anything call me, Rebekah sorry I have to leave but I'll catch you next time and maybe we can catch a movie" she tells us smiling "yes sounds lovely" I say happy to be invited over for a next time "come on mom I'll walk you out, Bekah go head in the room be back in a sec k" Caroline tells me and then heads down stairs with her mom

I step into her room and it just screams Caroline to me, its nice and neat, walls painted a nice pastel yellow she has a variety of books in her shelf, her desk and shelves are scattered with trophies, medals from school and sports and then her dresser fulled with some makeup and pictures of her friends, even her mirror had photos of them, I wonder what my room would of looked like if we were to have had a normal life I think as I play with a photo of her and the Doppelganger, who would of thought I'd be envying a petrova

"that's one of my bff's her name is Elena , you'll meet her before school picks back up, shes on a romantic get away with her boyfriend" Caroline says the last part in a funny tone then points at another girl and says "that's Bonnie, my other bff and she to is gone for the summer" she says with a sigh at the end, so this is the Bennett witch, she very pretty "your friends look nice" "thanks you'll meet them both in time" she says heading into her closet I believe "so did you bring a change of clothes for the party or do you wanna borrow something of mine?"

I looked down at my current clothes and thought these were fine but "would you like to dress me for tonight? I'm afraid I'm a tad bit nervous, never been to a high school party before" which was true about the party part "now you say high school party, you been to other parties before" she says with a playful tone 

"Why yes I know I was home schooled but I didn't sit locked up inside" she laughs at my comment "well I'm glad I get to be there for your first high school party then" she's says smiling

     Well not that Elijah gone I'm left all alone, I wonder what Bekah is doing right now with Caroline, probably talking about boring stuff anyways but why would I care what their up to tonight, might as well hit the bar at the grill for some entertainment

I get out of my car and head inside, place is some what filled with people eating an there's a few at the Bar chit chatting,  I take a stool that's farthest from them and wait for the bartender, I wonder if I'll have the pleasure of see the boy Caroline and Bekah fancies or should I say Rebekah only cause Caroline said she didn't feel that way about him

"Well Hello again" I look up to see its the girl from before, Vicky I think it was "well Hello again it is" I tell her with a fake charming smile and she eats it up "I see you left the baby at home" "ah yes my sister is with Caroline this evening" I tell her and she rolls her eyes then says "Great, I wonder if I'll see them tonight at the party then" party? Bekah didn't say anything about that "what party might that be?" "oh so they didn't tell you I see" she says wit a small smile playing on her lips, Shes boring me now and that's not good for her "nope, my sister forgot to mention it to me" 

she leans forward on her elbows with her cleavage on display due to her low cut top and says in a seductive tone "I may be able to tell you where they are going to be to night" I smirk and say "I sense you want something in return" she smiles and leans over more and says "Come on its harmless, besides I don't bite" she says with a wink, I couldn't help help but chuckle a bit at the of her words "What is it you want sweetheart?" I say in a seductive tone back "well for starters you can escort me to the party and then have a few drinks with me and see where the night take us" she says inches from my face "deal" I say leaning back and continuing "when are you off?" she laughs "In a rush to get the party started" she says flirtatiously, it took a lot of will power to not just wanna bang her head on the bar but I kind of need her to take me to the party

"Maybe" I say once again with a fake playful smirk "lucky for you I get off in 30 mins, can I get you a drink now to start your night off right?" "yes I'll have a few while I wait" "same as last time?" "yes" at that she walks away to get my drink, I can't wait to see the looks on the girl's faces when they see me there, even more so when they see me with Vicky I say smiling to my self

*updated* *new*

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