You gain some & you lose some

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 I ran back as fast as humanly possible, I growled low looking around for Caroline, she was no where to be seen

Maybe Stefan got to her? No Kat would of called me, what if he snapped her neck or killed her? No it's a public place he wouldn't do that

Just then a door opened and out Caroline came, I walked over to her "ugh you have like one of the luckiest jobs!" She said to the worker who smiled back at her

"Thanks and I know who wouldn't wanna take care of animals all day" "I know right, especially cute lil baby ones, well thanks again and have a great day" she said waving to him bye "you to miss" he said before going back inside the door they came from

I walked towards her, she looked up and seen me coming, she had a small shy smile on her face, then looked to the sides of me "Stefan where's Kol?" I forgot for a second I was me and not Damon

"Thought it be best to give us some time alone, you know after our lil" I twirled my finger in the air because I don't exactly know why they were mad at each other

She looked down for a second then back up "I'm sorry Stefan...I know your just concerned for me and I appreciate it but it's my life and I will choose how I live it"

I took in her words for a moment, wanting to know why or what this argument was about now "come on let's go get some ice cream or something"

She nodded her head and we walked off, I kept looking around for any sighs of Stefan or Kat, Kol should be out for a while so no need to worry bout him at the moment, but I can't drag her out of here with all these people so I gotta bid my time for a bit and wait for an opening

We got in line and her phone rang she looked down and smiled before answering 

"hello" "hello sweetheart, how's your day going?" "It's going great, the guys are enjoying themselves to its funny" "Kol not getting on your nerves yet?" "No, I think he's more excited them I am though" she told to him laughing

"Where is he at? I know he's not next to you, he would of said something back at my comment" she looked at me for help and I just shrugged my shoulders "he went to get some more snacks for himself"

"he's off being Kol and not watching you? I'm gonna.." he growled "you will do nothing to him, who's gonna find us at a freaking zoo?" "fine, where's Stefan?" "Right here next to me" "Let me talk to him"

She handed me the phone "while you talk to him I'll get us our ice creams" I nodded and pulled the phone to my ear

"Stefan speaking" I said while a smiled formed on my face "You tell Kol when I see him he's dead and don't bother to run cause I will find him" "roger that, anything else?"

"Yes, turns out the witch we just talked to told us some very interesting things about Silas" "What did she tell you?" "She said mostly What we know and some other things aside from that but she spoke of a witch that could could give us more information"

I laughed a bit, then looked up to see Caroline still waiting to get our order taken "why did you laugh?" "Cause no witch alive can help you" silence came from his end of the phone

"Where is my brother and Stefan" he growled at me "Your brother has his necked snapped and as for the fake Stefan, Kat's dealing with him, oh Kat's short for Katherina,  you should remember her"

"If you touch her or hurt her in anyway I'll..." I laughed at him "your'll what? You can't do anything, I have Elena and now I have Caroline, game over I won" I hung up the phone and put it on silent and turned off the mobile data

Thank you Kat for teaching me all there is to know about these odd devices, just as Caroline was coming back

"What did Nik say?" She handed me my cone "just that they needed to go see another witch and they called Kol to go and join them" she nodded her head

"So since it's just us to what do you wanna do? We can leave the zoo now and go somewhere else" she said with a shrug

"Yes let's get out of here"

We made it to the parking lot and into the car, luckily Caroline had the keys

"I don't know about you but I'm hungry" she said "ya I could use a bite" I said looking out the window "I'm thinking  burgers and fries" she said pulling in to this lil old fashion dinner

We walk in and the place and took a seat at the tables the waiter came's over and gives us the menu and a few minutes to look over it

Then she comes back to take our orders "so what would you two like?"

"Um I'll take the American Burger and strawberry shake combo please" Caroline said handing the menu over to her

"I'll take the same but my burger choice is the Bacon one and shake chocolate" "Ok I'll be back she your food is done, can I get you anything to drink while your shakes are being made?" "I'm good thanks" "yes I'm fine as well"

"So did Nik say anything important on the phone?" I shook my head "just the usual I'm gonna kill you speech" she laughed at my comment

It was a carefree laugh, not like the fake ones Kat does, Caroline looked like she didn't have a care in the world right now, wait to she finds out she's with the bad guy

"So does this dinner really look like the ones back in the day?" She asked while looking around, shit how the hell was I supposed to know if it really looked like this??

I've been asleep for all these centuries "some things are something's aren't but hey it was along time ago" I say playing it off

"Your probably right, also I don't picture you as someone who would come and just eat at a dinner" she laughed again "why's that's?" I said smiling at her

"because you said it your self one time that you hardly remember this era due to your excessive drinking"  she laughed once again and I couldn't help but join in

"Here are your guy's shakes and your food, enjoy and let me know if you need anything" "we will thank you"

"This looks yummy!" She said happily "it's does, so let eat"

  "Nik calm down.." I turned to Rebekah "calm down? Calm down! You want me to calm down at a time like this!" I hissed at her

"What our sister is trying to say is you being like this will not help you think straight" I glared at Elijah "Caroline is with Silas, Kol and Stefan are not answering their phones!"

I yelled as I thru my phone at the wall, I sighed as I closed my eyes and thought about my stupid mistake right now, I opened my eyes to see my phone shattered too pieces, great

"Told you so" my sister chimed

"Let me go!!" I screamed crying while sliding down against the wall, it's only a matter of time before they return with Caroline then we both die

I thought shoving down the cure in her throat would save us, or maybe I just was buying me some time

The door from the cellar ripped off the hinges, I bolted up, he couldn't have found her that fast

I was shocked to see Damon there but form my earlier experience I know it was Silas

"Come to mess with me some more? You really are sick and twisted Silas" he looked at me strange "it's me Damon, here I am busting you out and you go and say some other guys name? I'm insulted"

He ripped the door open "come on, I don't know if the witch up stairs was expecting company"

"Damon is it really you?" "Duh the one and only" I ran into his arms and started to cry "how did you find me?" "shh it's ok, now let's get the hell out of here and once were safe I'll tell you"

The Original and A Humanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن